Wednesday 13 March 2024


The son of two retired Metropolitan Police officers who avoided jail for killing two men in a drug-driving crash has been locked up for illegally driving his mother's car.

At last!  

Max Coopey, 22, was jailed for 12 weeks after he admitted driving his mother's blue Fiat 500 while disqualified. It comes after two dramatic hunts were launched for him after he failed to turn up for hearings in the case, leading to him being arrested for the eighth time for refusing to attend court.

And despite treating him leniently for the deaths, the court will pull out all the stops in defence of it's own will.  

This could be the first time that he serves a full custodial sentence despite having clocked up at least 27 offences on his record.

He probably has a worse record than anyone his parents ever arrested, 


  1. His mother should also be locked up if she let him take the car

  2. Who does this numpty think he is, treating the law with contempt, Katie Price?

  3. Also, what happened about the warrant issued by Wimbledon Magistrates in July 2022 for not attending according to his bail?

    Could it be that he lives his post-teenage life according to the standards that he learned at home?

  4. "His mother should also be locked up if she let him take the car"

    No doubt she told the officers investigating that she didn't know he'd taken it.

    "Who does this numpty think he is, treating the law with contempt, Katie Price?"


    "Also, what happened about the warrant issued by Wimbledon Magistrates in July 2022 for not attending according to his bail?"

    Good question!
