Wednesday 13 March 2024

Well, Not Quite, Polly...

Polly Neate, the chief executive of Shelter, said: “This is a harrowing reminder of the abusive and brutal treatment people are often faced with when sleeping on the streets.
“Sleeping rough is deeply unsafe with people under the constant threat of harassment and violence. Nobody chooses to spend their night shivering in a sleeping bag. But record high rents and the government’s failure to build enough social homes mean more people are becoming homeless and growing numbers of them are ending up on the street.”

This is in response to video of a police officer - a female, remember how they were hired to provide a softer, gentler aspect to policing? - dragging a rough sleeper in a sleeping bag when they refused to move.

So, what do we have here? Someone who can no longer afford rent due to 'vicious austerity Tory'? An Army or Navy serviceman with PTSD who has lost their home due to 'Tory austerity' and failure to provide support once their career is over?   

The homeless man, who is a refugee from Sudan, has been in the UK for three and a half years and has been given the right to remain.

Oh. Yes, Polly, clearly the government's at fault for not providing social housing for the waifs and strays of the Third World.  


  1. So Polly Neate is basically an effing liar.

  2. If British people won't fill the homeless vacancies then we should be encouraging the dregs of the third world to plug those gaps.

  3. This poor man was cold and had nowhere to go. Might I suggest that the weather in Sudan might suit him better.

  4. Polly doesn't really care about anything but ... Polly. The homeless are merely there as tools/things to be used as excuses, justifications, for Polly miking the system for profit and power (and if she can attack/destroy someone she hates, with her daddy-issues, along the way, that's even better).

    The female police officer was merely demonstrating what all (or at least the vast majority) of women are like. On her own she'd have avoided him, she's counting on the back-up of the (hated) male colleagues to defend here excesses, and on the fact that if he fought back 'he'd' be the one the system destroyed (she's merely the usual "woman in a pub/club picking a fight for her boyfriend to fight - for the power she thinks it gives her, and .... the simple malicious joy she feels in inflicting consequence-free pain on others).

  5. "So Polly Neate is basically an effing liar."

    Yes. And she thinks we're stupid enough not to suss that out.

    "If British people won't fill the homeless vacancies then we should be encouraging the dregs of the third world to plug those gaps."

    Strangely, all the homeless in my area seem to be native white British. Not even Eastern European.

    "This poor man was cold and had nowhere to go. Might I suggest that the weather in Sudan might suit him better."


    "Polly doesn't really care about anything but ... Polly. "

    Indeed so! Fakecharities seem to have taken over from the WI & church groups for bored middle-aged housewives.
