Tuesday 26 March 2024

I'm Guessing She Wouldn't Have Passed An IQ Test...

The Old Bailey heard today how all four individuals had been drinking on the night of the incident, but driver Aidonojie passed a breathalyser test taken two hours after the crash.
Come to think of it, neither would her passengers:
A driver killed her two friends who were ‘twerking’ in the back of her convertible Mini Cooper as it sped at more than double the speed limit before crashing and overturning, a court heard today.
Adele Ojokie Aidonojie, 23, denies causing death and serious injury by dangerous driving after Rida Boujetif and Mary Macharia, both 23, were killed following the car crash in Battersea, west London, in the early hours of July 16, 2022. The back-seat passengers were not wearing seat belts as Aidonojie's car travelled at approximately 62mph on Latchmere Road, which has a 30mph speed limit, while the vehicle's roof was down.Both women were flung from the car following the collision and suffered fatal head injuries as a result.
Ben Sidibe, a front seat passenger, was also taken to hospital with a fractured upper arm.

Absolutely no loss whatsoever to society here. 

Ms Mertens said Aidonojie told a witness at the scene: ‘Don’t call the police or ambulance, I’ll get arrested.’ Aidonojie said there had been a ‘hit and run’, and asked another witness if the street had cameras, the court heard.

It's London, what are the odds? 

Aidonojie, of Edgeborough Way, Bromley, denies two counts of death by dangerous driving and one count of causing serious injury by dangerous driving.

Good luck with that! 


  1. Yawn, NHI. (I'm not 'quite' at "two down, only a few million more to go" thinking, but ... every day I'm getting closer).

    What's the betting the defence will be "it's racisss, white-privilege, you can't expect a black woman to ..., reparations, or some white man made me do it"?

  2. Stupid bint will get double the sentence, I hope, for pleading not guilty to the bleedin' obvious.

  3. "Yawn, NHI."

    Spot on!

    "Stupid bint will get double the sentence, I hope, for pleading not guilty to the bleedin' obvious."

    That's if a 'jury of her peers' even find her guilty!
