Monday 25 March 2024

Upset No-One Offered You The Gig, Leila ?

Leila Latif phones in another column on tv criticism:
Whites Only: Ade’s Extremist Adventure, Ade Adepitan’s attempt to see if “racial separatism can ever be justified” becomes a cautionary tale for black people who think they can one-of-the-good-ones themselves out of white supremacy.The programme follows the charming presenter and Paralympian on his trip to Orania, a “whites-only” town in South Africa, to learn about why they founded this community (racism), what their values are (racism) and why it celebrates the architects of apartheid (racism). He meets estate agents, students and town leaders to enquire politely about their “whites-only” space with the levity of someone discussing the weather.

It's clearly entertainment, rather than searing social commentary, so what did you expect? 

He suggests their “racist past was just overshadowed by apartheid”, asks his subjects gently if there were “negatives” to the Afrikaans history in the region and, in a moment of astounding respectability politics, all but grasps a string of pearls as he defends British democracy and says: “I support BLM [Black Lives Matter], but I don’t go out rioting!” Not only is this a particularly tone-deaf thing to say in South Africa, but it also suggests that he also needs to read up on Mandela.

Yes, it seems for Laila being a non-rioter is a no-no. It makes him 'inauthentic', I suppose. What lovely people write for the 'Guardian'. 

Being a black “chilled-out guy” is a feeble response to white supremacy; the Oranians are unmoved by his politeness.

It's be rather a different sort of show if he'd gone in screaming and shouting at them, Laila. 

Adepitan concludes there were very fine people on both sides, but places like this will inevitably end with “me and you meeting on the battlefield”, seemingly unaware that the failure of his approach makes the case for militant action on racism.

Yes, because a TV presenter who doesn't act like an animal makes the case for all people of the same race everywhere to do so.

Really, Laila? After all, it's not like they seem to need your encouragement, is it? 

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