Thursday 7 March 2024

It’s Time The Magistrates Were Forced To Hire Her As Their Chauffeur…

A mother of two who fled the scene of a road accident after a boozy lunchtime binge has walked free from court despite being convicted of drink driving twice in five years. Cheryl Hughes, 43, tested more than three times the alcohol limit when she was arrested at home following a minor prang involving her Ford Focus.
At Chester magistrates court, Hughes, faced jail after she admitted driving with excess alcohol but walked free after a judge ordered her to get treatment for alcohol issues. She was ordered to complete a nine month alcohol treatment programme as part of an 18 month community order and was also banned from driving for 40 months.

Another inexplicable ruling from one of those female judges we are told are so necessary to 'humanise and balance' the justice system... 

Sentencing Hughes, District Judge Jane Hamilton said: 'The figure of 110 was registered in your breath and you had an accident which you had no recollection of. I find this very serious bearing in mind it is the second offence of driving with excess alcohol since 2019.
'It is a matter for which I could have imposed a custodial sentence for and this is something you need to tackle head on as Mr Coupe put it.

Well, why didn't you? If anything is crting out for it, it's a case like this one, where the accused does not cooperate. 

'You need to confront the fact that you do have an issue with alcohol. You have not acknowledged that in your presentence report and you did not acknowledge that when you had the last community order.

So why should she acknowledge it now, when there's been no punishment? 

'If you keep on failing to acknowledge that this is a problem it is not going to go away, it is going to keep recurring. If you do not go to the probation as requested and do not provide evidence as to why you did not do it, you will have breached this order.
'If you are breached, you can go into custody. It is that serious. I could have required you to do the extended retest before you ever get your licence back. I am not going to at this stage but if you are convicted of drink driving again in the future that is one option the court has.'

If the justice system keeps on failing to acknowledge that lack of justice in cases like this is a problem, maybe our faith in it is going to go away.  


  1. Why, she's not even a member of one of the preferred demographic groups. Where's the justice?

  2. Pussy pass from a pussy passer? The Sistahs have got to stick together, and sod the law and everyone using the roads.

  3. I sometimes cringe when I think back to some of the stupid stuff that I did as a teenager. By the time that I was 43 though I had actually grown up.

  4. "Why, she's not even a member of one of the preferred demographic groups. Where's the justice?"

    Ah, but she does possess a vagina. Even though these days, it seems to require a fake one more often than not.

    "Pussy pass from a pussy passer?"

    Spot on, I fear!

    "I sometimes cringe when I think back to some of the stupid stuff that I did as a teenager. By the time that I was 43 though I had actually grown up."

    Neoteny is a spreading plague.
