Thursday 7 March 2024

About The Only Thing Rishi's Got Right!

The head of the nation's biggest police force hit back at Rishi Sunak yesterday over 'inaccurate' claims that officers are failing to enforce the law in pro-Palestinian protests.
Metropolitan Police commissioner Sir Mark Rowley warned that his staff's 'confidence and willingness to act' is being knocked by criticism that they are 'woke and fascist' in their response to the marches, which have cost taxpayers £30 million.

What was knocking their willingness to act before the PM decided to point out their failures, then, Sir Mark? 

Mr Sunak said: 'I have met with senior police officers and made clear it is the public's expectation that they will not merely manage these protests, but police them. And I say this to the police, we will back you when you take action.'

I can't help but feel you'll be waiting a long time for that, Rishi. And let's face it, you haven't got a long time, have you..? 


  1. I have little love for the "Conservatives" (in name only), and none whatsoever for the installed Indian, but ...

    I despair, I really do! So we have an electorate justifiably angry and bitter about the entire arranged immigration fiasco, and the pandering to the savages and in response they'll ... vote in the very people who planned, arranged and organised those very things. The very people who 'support' the savages and their actions. (Not to mention the failure to implement Brexit, so of course voting in corrupt, rabid Globalist/Europhiles is the only answer?!).

    Only in clown-world would this make even the remotest sense.

    As for the police, when the vast majority of officers (due to quotas and affirmative action hiring) are woke and/or muslims themselves is it really a surprise when they act the way they do? That is why they selectively enforce the laws. They long ago stopped being the thin-blue line defence. They don't defend against the enemy, because they 'are' the enemy.

  2. I suppose today's Police would have just stood by and watched Tommy Robinson walk down the High Street, waving a Union flag? I thought not. The pepper spray and cuffs would be out before he'd hardly started. Whatever happened to "without fear or favour"?

  3. "As for the police, when the vast majority of officers (due to quotas and affirmative action hiring) are woke and/or muslims themselves is it really a surprise when they act the way they do?"

    No surprise, though their actions yesterday did cause a sharp intake of breath from even me.

    "Whatever happened to "without fear or favour"?"

    It's as dead as Nikki Haley's Presidential Campaign hopes.
