Wednesday 6 March 2024

Pardon Me..?

I suppose they technically are 'firearms'. 

But I wouldn't want to trust my life to one in a self-defence situation with anyone armed with anything stronger than a rolled-up newspaper.


  1. The one on the right has blank rounds in the box, so one would assume it's a blank firing pistol. Harmless past the effects of really loud noises.

    The ones on the left - god knows, the picture is too small to tell. Probably some sort of airsoft kit, given that if *real* M4 clones were knocking about on the streets we'd be hearing far, far more about it than a byline in a local rag. I see they published a follow up article after the world and his dog laughed at them for parading "fake firearms" - an article in which they were at pains not to deny that these were, indeed, fake firearms.

  2. A firearm is defined as a lethal barreled weapon, or a prohibited item, so I suspect that the handgun on the right, if a starting pistol, could be defined as a prohibited item. The danger is that, if faced by some toerag brandishing one of these about, it would be difficult to decide whether the gun is a real one or not. Even one firing blanks can be dangerous if held close to the victim. Would you take the chance?

  3. Lying plod with Toys R Us stuff.

  4. As Pense says.

    In any civilised country (which we haven't been for decades) facing someone brandishing those allows you to respond as if they are real firearms, because only after the fact could you know otherwise (when it would be too late - criminals have been known to paint real firearms in the hope of deceiving those they attack into believing they are fakes and not reacting after all).

    Point? Taking these out of the hands of criminals 'has' saved lives - (unfortunately) those of the criminals, because they would have been shot on sight if seen with them.

    Many, many years ago (during the troubles) an Irish teenager I worked with in London shoved a 'replica' in my face (as a joke?!). I responded by breaking his arm and beating him unconscious (I did not then "kick seven colours of **** out of him", he fell down the stairs - honest). In court I was 'complemented for my restraint'. Nowadays 'I'd' probably be the one shot by the police, and definitely be crucified by the courts.

  5. "What are they?"

    Airsoft weapons and a starting pistol. Even me, whose only experience with firearms is playing 'The Way of the Hunter' on PC, smelled a rat as soon as I saw the image!

    "I see they published a follow up article after the world and his dog laughed at them for parading "fake firearms" - an article in which they were at pains not to deny that these were, indeed, fake firearms."

    Can't deny what's right in front of the world! Put there by them!

    " Even one firing blanks can be dangerous if held close to the victim. "

    As Jon Erik Hexum found out!

    "Lying plod with Toys R Us stuff."

    I have to agree with you.

    "Point? Taking these out of the hands of criminals 'has' saved lives - (unfortunately) those of the criminals..."

    No doubt, so hard to see this as a win for society!
