Sunday 28 April 2024

Do Local News Editors Count On Their Fingers?

"In the early hours of Tuesday morning, October 13, 1914, a train of fifty trucks, filled with goods destined for the London shops and markets, and pulled by the latest pattern engine from the Eastleigh works, crashed headlong into a stationary line of trucks on the same line near Andover Junction."
Mathematicians (no, not you Diane, sit down!) will be quick to spot the glaring error there. Where have 10 years disappeared to? 

Aha! Found them and updated the website.

Whew! I'm sure no-one noticed, Andover Advertiser... 

H/T: Ian J via email


  1. "Where have 10 years disappeared to?"

    Was it British Rail back then? Is that how long it took to get there?

  2. "Was it British Rail back then? Is that how long it took to get there?"

