Sunday 28 April 2024

Them's The Brakes, I Guess!


H/T: Stephen Brown via email


  1. Spellcheckers won't catch such errors, grammar checkers might, proper editorial checking should. But all depend on the will and ability to use them.

    I guess that when the throughput of column inches/pixels is thundering along any delay is seen as a bad thing. Like attention to truth too.

  2. The blog's authority on spelling, punctuation and grammar, WPC Jaded, would spot such errors like lightening.

  3. I saw a TV ad yesterday for the Range Rover Evoque. It was the first ad that I've seen in ages that wasn't for an electric car. Is it dawning on them that the ads for EVs are a complete waste of money?

  4. "But all depend on the will and ability to use them."

    Spot on!

    " It was the first ad that I've seen in ages that wasn't for an electric car."

    Yes, they have dominated the screens for ages, haven't they?
