Tuesday 2 April 2024

Quick Work, For Once!

Detectives have arrested a man at Heathrow on suspicion of murder, hours after a man was hit by a car and killed in east London. The Metropolitan police launched an investigation after being called at 5.11am to reports of a collision involving a car and pedestrian in East Ham. A 35-year-old man was found injured at the scene on Barking Road, near to the junction with Arragon Road. Officers responded and provided first aid, but despite the efforts of the emergency services, the man died a short time later.

Good work, but...murder?  

Urgent inquiries led to the arrest of a 33-year-old man at Heathrow at about 3.30pm on Sunday. He has been detained on suspicion of murder, and a 30-year-old woman has been arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender. Both remain in custody.

Sounds like they had little difficulty identifying the suspect, but also sounds like a simple hit & run. Strange we aren't told where he was heading... 

DCI Joanna Yorke, leading the investigation, said: “I am aware that a large number of people had been at an event in Barking Road overnight and many would have witnessed the incident. I am appealing for those people to come forward immediately. Your information could be vital to the investigation.”

Ah. now it's all clear. Another of those benefits of diversity, obviously. 


  1. Now all we need is for the courts to swing into action on a less-than-geological timescale.

    For inspiration, they could look at France and the arsonists who, gratifyingly, are often sentenced while the scene of their crime is still smouldering.

  2. And did he have a ticket for PakkyLand? We should be told - although a guess has a 99% probability of being correct.

  3. Unless their whyte, I couldn't give a shite.

  4. "For inspiration, they could look at France and the arsonists who, gratifyingly, are often sentenced while the scene of their crime is still smouldering."

    How shaming, to be less well served than the French!

    "And did he have a ticket for PakkyLand?"

    Almost certainly, given the demographics of East Ham.

    "Unless their whyte, I couldn't give a shite."

    An attitude I'm starting to subscribe to, so long as there's no risk of collateral damage.
