Monday 8 April 2024

Round Two!

Well, time to settle in for my second bite at the cherry, as I'm once again on jury service for two weeks.  It'll be interesting to see what's changed in the intervening ten years, hopefully the canteen has got better.

At least this time round there's no Tube strike, as it was called off at the last minute! But Tweeting of posts may be erratic over the next two weeks.


  1. I did Jury service not long after your first bout. There were two potential drug smugglers : one was obviously guilty and got 10 years, the other one - well the police and prosecution were so incompetent thst they accidentally proved his innocence and that he was set up as a fall guy. It was an utter shambles as a process.

  2. "...well the police and prosecution were so incompetent thst they accidentally proved his innocence and that he was set up as a fall guy. It was an utter shambles as a process."

    I'm already drafting my post for when I'm finished and can blog about it, and the intervening 10 years hasn't improved the efficiency of the court service one bit. In fact, it appears to be still reeling from the long Covid shutdown.
