Monday 8 April 2024

Another SNP Success Story!

It is understood up to 40 police officers have been called in to do extra hours every day since Monday in a bid to wade through all the reports submitted. Each officer is being paid time and a third, sparking fears the overtime costs could end up taking hundreds of thousands of pounds out of an already overstretched budget.
Is anyone surprised? Didn't we predict just this
Around 3,600 reports were made in the first 48 hours of the law coming into force on Monday. It is expected that figure could now have almost doubled.

At least! And some of those doing so will, of course, be those encouraged to do so by those for whom this bill was written. While the opposition proves useless, and the fightback is led by private citizens. 

Officers say they must check every online complaint individually in case they contain covert messages from victims of domestic abuse or people trafficking.

Of course they do, got to keep that overtime rolling in, eh? 

Mr Kennedy added: 'The hope is that once the public realise where the bar sits for a hate crime that it might change the number of people submitting inquiries, but you can't tell what the public is going to do. If someone thinks a crime has been committed and reports it online then officers have to look at it.'

Ah, yes, blame the public for 'misusing' the law. Not the idiots who ignored all the warnings and brought in an unjust law in the first place.  

And you might want to reconsider that last sentence.


  1. Coming to England soon when left-wing vermin take over. Starmer might seem moderate but behind him are some really dangerous people desperate for a sniff of power.

  2. Funny old world. Police Officers "have to look at" every report of hate crime, even putting on overtime to do so, but actually felt they had to announce with trumpets that they would now attend every burglary.

    and having been tasked with responding to reported burglaries within an hour, are actually taking up to 28 hours to respond

    I wonder if perhaps they could speed that up with a little overtime? Not that they actually solve many burglaries but hey it's the thought that counts!

  3. Shirley, one way of paying this overtime, is to take it from the SNP ministerial budget? They brought in this stupid law, so let them pay for it.

  4. So 40 officers can get hundreds of thousands of your English Pounds in overtime?
    If I was them I would have my entire family reporting Hate crime and trawling the interweb for possible examples.
    Somewhere in the background the Lawyers who drafted this are tittering. And all their lawyerly mates.
    My God how the money rolls in.
    Rolls in.
    Rolls in.

  5. John Tee, there must be an election coming up. I wonder if this new found urge to do something will extend to investigating former Post Office senior management for fraud, purjury and malicious prosecution.

  6. The have to investigate every one as if they don't and it works out someone died or, God forbid, someone was misgendered then they could face disciplinary action.

    We I was in my annoying phase at work, started in 1990 and is still ongoing, I used to love pointing out trivial things that were brushed under the carpet. The reason being was now if it caused an injury they wouldn't be able to say they didn't know. It was recorded and thus they would have to do something about it.

  7. "Coming to England soon when left-wing vermin take over."

    You mean when we exchange the current left-wing vermin for the ones with a different colour rosette?

    "I wonder if perhaps they could speed that up with a little overtime?"

    If only burglary was a priority over hurty feels...

    "one way of paying this overtime, is to take it from the SNP ministerial budget? "

    Yes! If only.

    "So 40 officers can get hundreds of thousands of your English Pounds in overtime?
    If I was them I would have my entire family reporting Hate crime and trawling the interweb for possible examples."

    Of course! Who could blame them?

    " I wonder if this new found urge to do something will extend to investigating former Post Office senior management for fraud, purjury and malicious prosecution."

    No. Because reasons.

    "I used to love pointing out trivial things that were brushed under the carpet. The reason being was now if it caused an injury they wouldn't be able to say they didn't know. It was recorded and thus they would have to do something about it."

    Or would still do nothing, and it would be uncovered at the inquest or enquiry.
