Tuesday 27 August 2024

Facts Or Feelings?

Is there any evidence of this 'trauma'?
Rob DesRoches, founder of Forest Gayte Pride, said the organisation would work with Newham Council to repair or replace the flags, adding: "We feel that people have been traumatised by the repeated vandalism, which needs to be sorted out now. The healing process needs to take place."
That's a 'no' then. I assume. I mean, it's not like the BBC can be bothered to send down any reporters to stop a few people and ask them. I mean, they might say anything. Better to just regurgitate a press release from an activist group as if it was Holy Writ.

What do the police say?
Det Insp James Rush said the force was keeping an "open mind" as to whether the latest report of vandalism was actually an attempt to "cover up the previous defacement".

I'm no detective, James, but if so, wouldn't they have used rainbow paint?  

Mr DesRoches said the organisation would work with the council to expedite repairing or replacing the flags.

Does that mean you're going to pick up a paintbrush yourself, Rob? I suspect it doesn't. 


  1. This is going to be an interesting one to watch, especially if the 'community' in that area is more of the 'throw them off buildings' sort of diversity. My feeling is that if the people pushing back against this are suitably melanin enhanced then there will be a slow walking back of the need to keep repainting this mural/whatever, citing expense to the council, it was only supposed to be temporary and has now 'served its purpose' etc etc etc. If on the other hand those opposed to it are white they'll be hearing the 3am knock from the diversity gestapo.

  2. But what if the 'trauma' of seeing those 'flags' was greater than the 'trauma' of seeing them defaced?

  3. They're traumatised and they need to heal. Meanwhile, if a 'Man from Cardiff' hacks a bunch of young white girls to death that's no excuse *whatsoever* for being rude on social media...

  4. I wasn't aware that Forest Gate had a y in it? Why can't these morons leave things alone? Can only assume Mr Desres feels more important in adding to, or changing, long standing names. Numpty!

  5. Blimey breaking a nail is a trauma to a lot of layers.

  6. "My feeling is that if the people pushing back against this are suitably melanin enhanced..."

    It's almost certain to be the case.

    "But what if the 'trauma' of seeing those 'flags' was greater than the 'trauma' of seeing them defaced?"

    Well, indeed.

    "Meanwhile, if a 'Man from Cardiff' hacks a bunch of young white girls to death that's no excuse *whatsoever* for being rude on social media..."

    It's blatently obvious that a certain past MP was right about the transfer of the whip hand, he was just wrong about who would be weilding it.

    "Can only assume Mr Desres feels more important in adding to, or changing, long standing names. "

    It's quite a clever play on the word 'Gay'. Because advertising and brand recognition is everything.

    "limey breaking a nail is a trauma..."

    Hangnails sure are! *shudders*
