Monday 26 August 2024

More Revolving Door Justice?

People jailed for taking part in the violent disorder after the Southport stabbing attack could be released early, Downing Street has said. Police on Friday said 302 people had been charged with offences including theft, antisocial behaviour and “spreading online hate” since the incident on 29 July and said there would be more to come.

Ha ha ha ha! Once again, you couldn't make it up! I wonder if the Starmbanfuhrer knew this when he was pontificating? 

However, since the Labour government changed the law to allow some criminals to leave prison early because of the prison overcrowding crisis, No 10 has said rioters will not be excluded from this, so they will be able to leave after serving 40% of their sentence.

Through gritted teeth, no doubt. What a disaster this government is already. And I hope that's not going to send me to prison

When asked whether rioters could be excluded from the scheme, a No 10 spokesperson said: “There’s no specific exclusion for the rioters, the scheme is as previously set out by the justice secretary.
“Also, we’re very clear that those who are convicted of serious violence and serve sentences of four years and over, or a terrorism offence, will be excluded.”

Is that why the police are keen to specify that every new outrage is 'not terrorist related' now, even before they've had time to even book the suspect into custody, never mind question them? 

The home secretary, Yvette Cooper, has condemned “senior politicians and pundits who sought to undermine the legitimacy and authority of the police”, without naming anyone. Writing in the Telegraph, Cooper said she hoped to work with police “rather than just blaming them from afar, to tackle problems and raise standards”, in an apparent criticism of those who had claimed the UK had “two-tier policing”.

Changed her tune, hasn't she? Because 'blaming police from afar' was SOP when she was in opposition. 


  1. Now that the Afro-Carribean stab fest is over for another year (though not the stabnings, unfortunately, which will continue), I trust that Starmer and Cooper will devote as much publicity and horror over this, that they did when white, English, people were protesting?
    Is that airborne porcines I see above me?

  2. "...I trust that Starmer and Cooper will devote as much publicity and horror over this, that they did when white, English, people were protesting?"

    Ha ha ha ha! I admire your optimism. The death toll just went up by two. And not a word.
