Friday 16 August 2024

Not 'The Usual Suspects'!

Three men have appeared in court accused of drugs and modern slavery charges after they allegedly forced two boys to work for them.

I know what you're thinking, it's those Caravan Utilising Nomadic Travellers again. But Reader, you'd be wrong!  

Qaiser Mahmood, 40, Husnain Mahmood, 36, and Zerkerman Mahmood, 31, are said to have forced the two 'vulnerable' youths to carry out tasks, which included carrying out criminal damage and 'retaining drugs and bullets'. The court heard how all the defendants were linked to the two youngsters who worked in a shop for Qaiser Mahmood.
Qaiser Mahmood and Husnain Mahmood are both accused of supplying cannabis and cocaine and two counts of requiring a person to perform forced or compulsory labour. Zerkerman Mahmood is also accused of supplying cannabis and cocaine and two counts of requiring a person to perform forced or compulsory labour.

This country just gets better and better, doesn't it? 


  1. To be honest, that was what I was thinking

  2. Another success for diversity . . .

  3. Sounds dodgy to me. Forced Labour. Sounds like they are using that as an excuse for working for a drug dealer.

  4. As Baron Bodissey( at Gates of Vienna) would say, "The Mo content was 100%"

  5. Their names suggest they are members of the religion of peace, who consider drugs as haram, forbidden in the Koran. Perhaps their Imam may make them write a hundred lines, "I will not p*ss off the prophet", as punishment?

  6. "To be honest, that was what I was thinking"

    Stereotypes exist for good reason.

    "Sounds dodgy to me. Forced Labour. Sounds like they are using that as an excuse for working for a drug dealer."

    Surely not?! Imagine my shocked face!

    "s Baron Bodissey( at Gates of Vienna) would say, "The Mo content was 100%""

    Oooh, pinching that!

    "Perhaps their Imam may make them write a hundred lines,..."

