Friday 16 August 2024

Should Have Been A Bit More Philosophical About It, Then...

Michael O’Neill, defending, told the court: ‘He is clearly an intelligent man.
‘I am instructed to move for bail. He is a man without any previous convictions and studies philosophy at university.
Probably shouldn't have lost his temper at missing his train and shoved a woman onto the tracks then, should he?
Sheriff McCormick said: ‘You pushed a railway worker on to tracks at Queen Street station during a busy commuting time.
‘Standing the gravity and nature of the offence, it is unlikely there will be an alternative to custody.’

Why are you even looking for one? You should be looking at how you can recommend deportation back to the States.

She told him that the train had gone and he shouted: “Don’t you come near me, you made me miss my train.
“Don’t look at me you scumbag c***.”

Not the sort of foreign student we need more of here. What could have prompted such a vicious assault? Is there a clue in other, earlier news reports

A woman has been accused of pushing a railway worker on to train tracks.
Cheyenne Naeb, 26, allegedly assaulted the woman at Glasgow’s Queen Street station on February 1, 2023.
Court papers state Naeb, of Dundee, initially behaved in a threatening or abusive manner 
It is claimed that she shouted, swore and acted in aggressive manner
A mistaken report? Or another loco transgender suspect?


  1. "Not the sort of foreign student we need more of here."

    He studies philosophy. Should be deported just for that

  2. That philosophy student, if he really is one, may be educated, but he is certainly not intelligent. Similarly the defending brief, if he really believed what he said.

    "A PHILOSOPHY student pushed a railway worker on to tracks after HE claimed she made him miss his train".

  4. Doh! Mis-read your original post.

  5. "He studies philosophy. Should be deported just for that"


    "Similarly the defending brief, if he really believed what he said."

    I expect he believes in his pay packet...

    "Doh! Mis-read your original post."

    That's OK, I often do that myself! 😉
