Tuesday, 25 February 2025

I Really Don’t See How They Could Make It Any Clearer

The UK government must act "more promptly" to help a British couple currently being held in Iran than it did to secure the release of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, her husband Richard Ratcliffe has said.

Anything for publicity, eh, Richard, even when you don't need it any longer?  

Mr Ratcliffe, whose wife was arrested in Iran in 2016 and not released until six years later, said the dangers of travelling to the country would be "a lot clearer" if Foreign Office travel advice reflected "the risks of hostage-taking" there.

So, do they say everything in Iran is hunky-dory, and it's a great place for a vacation? 

The UK Foreign Office advises against all travel to Iran, saying British and British-Iranian dual nationals are at "significant risk of arrest, questioning or detention". Having a British passport or connections to the UK "can be reason enough for the Iranian authorities to detain you", it adds.

Hmm. Seems not. What else should they say, Richard? It seems pretty clear to me.  


  1. I'm assuming the British couple arrested in Iran are educated enough to read, in which case, they have no excuse for not knowing the type of people ruling the country. An apparent claim of them "wanting to show that there is good in everyone" shows that, in their case, there can still be a huge gap between education and intelligence. If, or when, they are released, perhaps they should stand as Labour politicians? They would fit right in.
