Saturday 8 June 2024

You've Had Years To Do This...

More GP surgeries and diagnostic centres would be built under a future Conservative government funded by slashing the number of NHS managers, the Tories have said.
In their first major health offer of the General Election, the Conservatives have said they will bring more care services into the community. I'd be a fool to believe you now, wouldn't I? 


Anonymous said...

People have been complaining about 'non-jobs' in the NHS for years, and how long have the Tories had to sort it out? This is just another last minute bribe to try and save their own jobs. Meanwhile, I am preparing for the possibility of a Labour government by re-reading "1984" .

The Jannie said...

But But But - how will it function with less managers? Ah, yes, the way it should have been functioning all along on its mountains of funding and before it was deified by the poor in thought. It could also spend more of its ill-gotten gains on the medical priorities of the wider nation instead of shouty minorities.
I'm just glad it's the envy of the world . . .

Phil Day said...

I was wondering what today's dead cat offering would be.
Nope - don't believe they will do anything they promise.

JuliaM said...

"People have been complaining about 'non-jobs' in the NHS for years, and how long have the Tories had to sort it out?"

Far too long, so the inference must surely be they can't, or more worryingly, don't want to.

"But But But - how will it function with less managers? "

*tuts* 'fewer' managers, please!

"Nope - don't believe they will do anything they promise."

There can't be anyone left in the country who still believes in an election promise, can there?

"After being in power so long, they should just be saying, vote for us if you like what we're doing and don't if not. "

Ah, but they know what the answer's going to be to that one!