Saturday 10 September 2011

This Man Is Why We Have ‘Gang-Blighted Communities’ In The UK

Martin Samuda claims to be a friend of Mark Duggan. He is also a ‘home liaison officer’, and works within ‘youth support’.

So I guess you can see why the area’s a complete and utter toilet, and likely to stay that way for the foreseeable future…
On Friday I will be attending the funeral of my friend, Mark Duggan (Ed: truly, the Funeral That Taste Forgot...). Five weeks after he was shot dead by the police in Tottenham, at last the community will get a chance to say a final farewell to the man who was not "yardie gangster Starrish Mark", as the media would have you believe, but simply Mark, the nice guy from Broadwater Farm
…with a loaded gun in his sock. Yup, clearly a real nice guy!
… like many people in Tottenham I still feel angry at his death, and specifically the way it has been handled.
The mood is still extremely tense. Young people in the area are disgruntled with local councillors, who they feel are not fighting their corner on issues such as stop and search, or providing opportunities for them.
What sort of ‘opportunities’, I wonder? And why is it somehow the business of councillors to do this?

Why can they not do something for themselves, and work for these ‘opportunities’?
They feel they've had enough. "Why has there been a lack of investment in the area, while places like Stratford get new shopping centres and sports facilities?" one friend told me.
The only reason Stratford has the new shopping centre is to feed off the Olympics development, and the only reason the Olympics development is in Stratford is because there was a lot of useable ex-rail land.

Are you suggesting we flatten large areas of Tottenham (actually, not a bad idea..?) to give you these ‘opportunities’?
I hope the event will be a sombre occasion for a reflection on his life, tragically cut short. But Young people have begun walking in pairs in order to have witnesses if heavy handed police action were to come their way. "We hate the police because they always want to violate us," a young rapper told me.
Well, that’s the persona rappers like to project, I suppose. It’s unlikely to put bread on the table if they don’t….
Some youngsters even feel they could be next to be shot by trigger-happy officers.
Well, since you’re in the ‘youth’ biz, maybe you should bring home to them the potentially-lethal consequences of their chosen lifestyle?

After all, if you don’t, then we can consider you part of the problem, not part of the solution.
Many locals believe Duggan was unlawfully killed by police, and the misinformation that ensued is symptomatic of how police operate in the black community.
Because if they just spoke plainly, you’d accept it, even if it wasn’t what you wanted to hear?
Of course, many in the wider public have taken the attitude, "he had a gun, he deserved to die".
Yup! That’s my attitude too. He’s no loss, even if he did have ‘a cheeky smile’.
No, he didn't. I have fond memories of Mark. In the clubs he was the proverbial raver, dancing freely. But he also played an integral part in peace initiatives that sought to bring the community together – like the "midnight football" that was held in the Broadwater Community Centre (and which included players such as Emmanuel Frimpong, now with Arsenal).
Awwww, I’m welling up!
If he did have a gun, which is debatable….
Well, hang on a minute! The police and independent PCC say they’ve recovered a gun, but now you doubt this? They really can’t win with you, can they?
… he still had a right to be apprehended in a lawful manner and given a fair trial.
He did, indeed. He gave up that right when he gave an armed officer reason to open fire.
Tottenham is a place where people do not tolerate injustice.
Really? Are you sure about that? It seems there's a hell of a lot of shootings that, so long as they aren't done by men in uniform, your precious 'community' is only too willing to tolerate....
It's always been that way, our community is close knit. Older residents will remember Cynthia Jarrett, whose death sparked the Broadwater Farm riots of 1985.
She wasn’t shot by armed police, though, was she?

She had a heart attack – which given her size and general health, could have happened in Tesco - but it was still a handy catalyst for the usual suspects to behave like animals.
This is why people get angry. Families should be shown respect and deserve an explanation in their hours of grief. Officers may not be able to give the full answers until an inquiry, but to show empathy is the least mothers, families and relatives deserve.
Actually, they do – it never fails to make me grind my teeth when the usual police statement about how much they regret ‘loss of life’ is wheeled out, even when the criminal they’ve shot has been shot in the act.*

But people like Samuda and the other chip-on-the-shoulder racemongers don’t even hear this.

They don’t really want the empathy they claim they need; what they want is a chance to castigate the police for something they’ve usually had no choice in.
Simple early words may have averted the rioting. To stay silent and dismiss an angry community, when it was felt that one of their own had been assassinated, plunged relations between the police and young people to a new low.
If idiots like you continue to give credence that the police ‘assassinate’ members of the black community, you’ll never, ever have the peace you claim to want, but in reality don’t, because then you couldn’t make a living out of it.
As one friend told me: "It seems like it's taken burning buildings, throwing bricks at police and people to rebel for governments and lawmakers to admit that something has gone wrong."
Oh, indeed.

I don’t think you’re going to like the steps they put in place to remedy it, though. No, I don’t think you’re going to like it at all….

But I think I am.

*Update: If, as commenters at Anna Raccoon's claim, the Met paid for this abomination, then serious questions need to be asked.


  1. An innocent police radio was horribly murdered in the line of duty-by a fellow member of the Farce.

    ...unless Duggan is supposed to have disarmed an officer before getting himself shot?

    "a firearm was recovered"... thank god, i thought I'd left it in a taxi in north London.

    Sorry but the whole incident is too Farce-ical to be true.

  2. The funeral that taste forgot just about sums it up. Tacky, tacky, tacky.

    And, yes, if we did pay for it, that is an abomination.

  3. And , just for balance,the mouthings of that 'youth worker' makes me want to shoot fluffy baby seals and kittens.

  4. "As one friend told me: "It seems like it's taken burning buildings, throwing bricks at police and people to rebel for governments and lawmakers to admit that something has gone wrong."

    Something has gone wrong, I agree. So wrong that we now have shed loads of feral ignorant males committing criminal acts, waving guns like third rate thugs (and sometimes shooting each other) and deserting young mothers rather than take any responsibility for their own lives or for that matter their 'community.' And all the while they are propped up by the state and soothed by hand-wringing limp-wristed apologists who cannot give them enough, including 'benefits' to keep them happy.

    Still, it's always someone else's fault, innit, mate?

  5. XX "It seems like it's taken burning buildings, throwing bricks at police and people to rebel for governments and lawmakers to admit that something has gone wrong." XX

    No. NOTHING has "gone wrong". This is how subhuman niggers NORMALLY act.

    The only thing that MAY be at fault, is the entire immigration system that allowed the scum in in the first place.

  6. Furor, I'm shocked...SHOCKED and disappointed that you as a German should make such racist remarks!

    Shame, shame on you! DARE you compare us scum to negros?!?


  7. You're off the mark on this one Julia - though one has to agree much of this 'community' stuff is too. If the starting pistol was in Duggan's sock it's surprising his dabs or DNA ain't been found. I understand it was found in a sock nearby.
    There's a black issue no one will get to grips with in gun crime and violence. New York ethnic figures on homicide seem to be coming to the UK.

    I don't think this take on the problems works when you look at what's happened to most of us in current economics - much as I'm fed up the idiot irrationality of a lot of it. Let's face it, who can trust our authorities when there was no inquest on David Kelly, cops lied about 'stop armed police' at Stockwell and we can't even nail Blair's lying on Iraq?

  8. I must add, after the above, this is the only non-economic blog I come to everyday. I love the way you set argument up for a fall!

  9. Not 'his sock', a sock?

    At close range (handgun murders are usually 6ft or under from shooter to victim) a bullet discharged from a gun inside sock reduces noise, muzzle flash, and [forensic] material [propellant] from the barrel making it difficult for the police to calculate distance, direction or even the exact time.

    An added bonus is a sock leaves no fingerprints on the weapon - hence they are able to be recycled within the 'community'.


  10. God what a dreadful load of hand-wringing cobblers. I threw up in my mouth a little bit. I had an iota of sympathy for Duggan before this. Now I wish he'd been shot in the nape of the neck in the middle of a football stadium and his family charged for the bullet.

  11. The local black community may or may not have had a legitimate cause for complaint about Tottenhams police and the way that they dealt with scumbag Mark Duggan and in particular the failure of the police to respond to their compliants about the nature of his demise.

    Fact is, the police could not respond since they were not investigating the complaint. The IPCC were but the police failed to point that out.
    Failure to communicate, as always.

  12. Following on from the post about metal thieves ..

    Could we not persuade them to steal wood instead ?

    Because, with the number of railway-sleeper sized chips these idiots cart around on their shoulders .. they wouldn't have so far to look ..

    This would also have the benefit of reducing their collective carbon footprint, as these chips are readily available on every corner, or in every "community" centre ..

  13. I have rarely seen such a biased and inaccurate post as this , if you are going to post your research .
    The IPCC did a decent job on this shooting and found that the gun was in his sock and further that at no time did he attempt to draw it . Plus he was on the ground when he was executed .
    With reference to Cynthia Jarret , she did have an heart attack but the Police delayed getting her medical help for over 30 minutes ,
    thats manslaughter .
    I have no love for criminals or their fellow travellers , I do like the TRUTH .

  14. We paid for that travesty? Christ on a fucking pogo stick!

  15. 'The families have a right to respect' - bulls**t!

    They have to EARN respect and the way they and this 'youth worker' are going, they never will.

  16. XX the doctor said...
    Plus he was on the ground when he was executed . XX

    He shoulöd have been on a bloody trap door with a length of hemp around his neck. (Although the bastard would probably have tried to smoke it.)

  17. The Big Fat Gangsta funeral was irritating but Mr Raft points out that in terms of pragmatic control of a situation that's a relatively cheap and effective way of doing it, especially compared to the cost of getting so many extra officers on duty.

    The planning of the event and public parading of the family gave them and everyone else something to do, making it much less likely they'd start extemporizing riots.

    Sticks in yer froat though.

  18. The firing of handguns inside 'socks' is a sort of anti-forensic - but scum usually make mistakes - this is what disturbs me about this gun if it's not a plant (unlikely). The cretins must be getting better. Back in the good old days I was more likely to nick one of them for going equipped with a pair of socks in their pocket, though even then I was shot at with one of these converted weapons.

  19. "An innocent police radio was horribly murdered in the line of duty-by a fellow member of the Farce."

    Probably didn't work that well in the first place... ;)

    "And, yes, if we did pay for it, that is an abomination."

    Agreed. It ought to come out of some top cops personal salary.

    "Still, it's always someone else's fault, innit, mate?"

    " DARE you compare us scum to negros?!?"

    Chris Rock had the right of that.

  20. "If the starting pistol was in Duggan's sock it's surprising his dabs or DNA ain't been found."

    Surprising, but not entirely without precedent. Only people who get all their forensic knowledge from 'CSI' expect DNA to always be found everywhere.

    " Let's face it, who can trust our authorities when there was no inquest on David Kelly, cops lied about 'stop armed police' at Stockwell and we can't even nail Blair's lying on Iraq?"

    Things we all 'know' about (or think we do). If there's really anything to find here, it'll come out.

    "I must add, after the above, this is the only non-economic blog I come to everyday."

    Cheers! I'd say I'd bump into you there, but I leave the economic stuff well alone... ;)

    "God what a dreadful load of hand-wringing cobblers. "

    Well, you should have expected that when you saw 'CIF' in the URL.. :)

  21. "Fact is, the police could not respond since they were not investigating the complaint. The IPCC were but the police failed to point that out.

    Failure to communicate, as always."

    Or perhaps plenty of people pointed that out, and the family (and activists) simply didn't want to hear it?

    "Following on from the post about metal thieves ..

    Could we not persuade them to steal wood instead ?

    Because, with the number of railway-sleeper sized chips these idiots cart around on their shoulders .. they wouldn't have so far to look .."


    "The IPCC did a decent job on this shooting and found that the gun was in his sock and further that at no time did he attempt to draw it . Plus he was on the ground when he was executed ."

    Conspiracy Theory No 1! How, then, did a bullet hit a police radio on a (presumably) upright policeman?

    Was there a grassy knoll in the vicinity?

    "The Big Fat Gangsta funeral was irritating but Mr Raft points out that in terms of pragmatic control of a situation that's a relatively cheap and effective way of doing it..."

    Unfortunately, what it saved in police manpower on the day was probably not equal to the police manpower that will be needed in the future owning to the increased sense of entitlement that's been given to this 'community' by such a gesture...

  22. "The cretins must be getting better. "

    Or just getting lucky?

    There's no absolutes in life - a bullet to the head doesn't always kill you, the toast doesn't always land butter-side-up...

  23. Julia , The IPCC report clearly states that the bullet found embedded it the radio was police issue . That round was an "accidental discharge" from a police weapon .

  24. XX Julia , The IPCC report clearly states that the bullet found embedded it the radio was police issue XX

    The police purchse the same amunition as erveryone else.

    There is no such thing as "police ammunition". UNLESS they have a lower charge. Which can not be specified from the bullet, only by weighing the full, UNFIRED round.

    So the IPCC is, as usual, full of fucking shit.
