Six teenagers have suffered gunshot wounds in a shooting incident in north London, the Metropolitan Police said.Wow! No wonder David Lammy wants out!
The shootings happened in the Cornwall Road, West Green Road and Phillip Lane areas of south Tottenham at about 2130 BST on Friday.
None of the victims, who are all male and aged between 16 and 19, have life-threatening injuries, police said.
So, who are these unidentified chaps? Any clues?
Just one:
The Met said officers from Operation Trident, which investigates gun crime in the black community, are leading the investigation into the incident.
You know what makes me laugh most?
At the end of every such report you get the inevitable "The force appealed for witnesses to get in contact"..
What, with no descriptions, no hair colour, length of hair, disguishing features, no skin colour, even in the US they state, "Mexican, black or Caucasion etc...", nothing.. are they expecting the public to be psychic now?
We should have bullet proof boxes on every high street with guns inside that cannot be removed. If people want to settle their differences they can enter the box, two at a time and do what ever they want without interference from the law.
Cheap, effective and of no consequence to the public. Then all we have to deal with is innocent victims of guns. I suggest bullet proof Prada myself.
Guns? Guns? But it's unlawful to have guns.
A duel then?
People will always want to kill each other. Lets find a way of not getting caught in the cross fire and allow them to hack bits off each other. In fact this sounds like a great idea for reality TV except I'd find it boring.
btw James its not unlawful to have guns. Their use is restricted, mostly in the UK for the police who couldn't shoot an elephant if it were charging at them, lol
Mike said...
We should have bullet proof boxes on every high street with guns inside that cannot be removed. If people want to settle their differences they can enter the box, two at a time and do what ever they want without interference from the law.
Similar to my cure for the Middle East.
Wall the bastards in. Give those that want out a month. After that let them do whatever they want. We will even suppply the weapopns (NON neuclear). Come and let us know who the "winner" is.
Funny. Every time I write that in the Guardian pages it is "removed".... Wonder why?
Duh Sue! The crime took place in Sowf Tott'nahm. There was shootas, and 6 of ehm was involved. The description can be inferred.
-no descriptions, no hair colour, length of hair, disguishing features, no skin colour,-
The mere mention of 'Operation Trident' being involved tells us the smart money is on a young black on young black 'yardie type' crime.
A bit ironic that this is still happening after so much was said and promised after the murder of another young black man - Stephen Lawrence -
Von, it’s probably removed for the same reason that soldiers only brag about 'kills' to other soldiers. Guns, knives, bombs or bare hands. Killing is easy its the consequences that are difficult to live with.
Just took delivery of my first bullet proof phone, it rocks. The ring tone is a bit loud though ;O)
"You know what makes me laugh most?"
Oh, indeed! It always reminds me of this old joke:
A very pious Christian man was praying one day. He pointed out to God that he was very pious, that he said his daily prayers and tried to do good to others and tried to keep his laws. He then asked that he might be allowed to win the lottery.
That week the lottery came and went and he won nothing. No letter came to tell him of his million pound fortune.
So, he prayed a bit harder and tried to be a better Christian.
Still no answer.
So, he lay on the altar, wailing and gnashing his teeth, beating his breast and just about turned himself inside out then there came a voice saying ....
'I have heard your prayer, I have heard your pleas - but please, meet me half way. Buy a ticket!'
"People will always want to kill each other."
Inded. But to the Righteous, this is merely something they haven't figured out how to change yet.
They think they'll achieve it one day. They won't.
"The mere mention of 'Operation Trident' being involved tells us the smart money is on a young black on young black 'yardie type' crime."
That must be one big team. And growing...
"Killing is easy its the consequences that are difficult to live with."
We've pretty much removed those. And the Righteous are working hard to dismantle the few that are left...
My, my, how very poetic Julia. I don't think we've ever discussed religion in such depth. It is of course the root of all evil. Well that and money, and guns, oh and kids with swine flu. Was it not god that created the devil and hell according to Christians?
btw, I love your joke about a pious man. I think I'll send it to my dad; he has a particularly religious wife. She will either be amused or use it as more evidence to demonstrate that her children are better than his.
A request.......can we discuss sex again please Julia?
No the messy kind, as in gender. I see the world is now discussing if there should be male, female and other athletes or male, female and not allowed.
My final thoughts on this post are that I am shocked only that so many young children had access to guns in the location described.
They may of course turn out to be victims of adults acting like children with guns.
"I see the world is now discussing if there should be male, female and other athletes or male, female and not allowed."
The whole Semenya furore has been an example of a world class FUBAR incident.
The SA authorities bear the brunt of the blame for it - they must have known questions would be asked. Yet they went ahead anyway. Because of the chance of a medal.
And people claim horse racing is cruel!
Some people, eh ;o)
My kingdom for a horse, as is said. A solution could be male, female and other. Then we could find out how fast and high humans can go regardless of sex or unworkable rules about performance enhancing drugs. You know like coffee n stuff.
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