Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Utterly Sickening...

Is there anything more stomach-turning than the sight of the £60,000 a year head of Carers UK, Imelda Redmond, clutching the shroud of the unfortunate Ms Pilkington to her breast as she uses the deaths to argue for more money for carers?
The tragic deaths of Fiona Pilkington and her daughter Francecca Hardwick are yet another example of how lives can be destroyed by a lack of acceptance of disability and the caring role associated with it.
Seriously, love, do you really think that that was the sole cause of her suicide and murder of her children?

Do you think that vicious gangs of feral yobs don't torment people without caring responsibilities, or disabilities, unchecked by the police? Because they do.
We need more investment in this most essential of infrastructure services. Despite the recession, politicians need to be bold in finishing the part of the welfare state that Beveridge left out.

If they don't, more carers risk losing their career, their health and their social lives, trapped on state benefits that are a pittance (carer's allowance is just £53.10 a week).
I'm sorry..?

How, exactly, would more money have resolved Ms Pilkington's woes? Should she have used it to hire a hitman, perhaps?

What was needed was the police and justice system to do the jobs we already pay them to do.

These people are scum, there's no doubt. They saw Ms Pilkington and her family as weak. As easy prey.

But you, love? You're worse. You see them as an opportunity...


RantinRab said...

What a shocking opportunist she is. Disgracefull.

Mike said...

I didn't comment on this post originally. There were simply too many people blaming each other to tell the wolves from the sheep.
This Imelda woman may or may not be worth £60,000 a year and have or not have some valid points but your absolutely right Julia there is a mark where it's just wrong and sick to use the suffering of one to further the cause of another. Most charities engage in this type of behaviour from suffering children to abused animals, the frequency with which stuff is shoved through our letter boxes or plastered all over the telly that is simply victimisation in a good cause, often based on imagined drivel it has ceased to be amazing to me. Most charities, fake or not seem hell bent on turning me away from giving either my time or money by employing baseless tactics rather than appealing to honest good nature. It doesn’t matter how many Muslims are murdered by American soldiers you still won’t find me funding Al Qaeda.
Back to the mother that murdered her children and then committed suicide. She is to blame for the murder and suicide. As to cause, sickness and yobs. The police, in fact not the police in general probably just few local feckless bobbies who have more chance of meeting an alien than they do Ms Price.

Dick Puddlecote said...

So true. Career righteous can be pretty sick at times - we see the TV ads that prove it.

Mike said...

btw Julia your droogs are revolting, show some teeth and bring one or two of them into line.

Especially WOAR who originally commanded some respect from me allowing me to tell my tale of woe on a post that had relevance but now leaves thinly veiled comments that I am some sort of perv.

If she has some problem with accepting that the standard of parenting has taken a nose dive in modern times then it is maybe time for a mirror for her. Most of your stories can be explained by the following quote from a popular song - if you tolerate this then your children will be next.

Mike said...

or as in the case of this story, children first then the parent

JuliaM said...

"What a shocking opportunist she is. "

The perfect NuLab appointment, in other words...

"Most charities, fake or not seem hell bent on turning me away from giving either my time or money by employing baseless tactics rather than appealing to honest good nature."

I suspect that's the pernicious influence of 'business practices' and 'marketing'...

"btw Julia your droogs are revolting, show some teeth and bring one or two of them into line."

Eh..? This is an open blog, I allow peopleto coment, I don't 'command' them!

And I can't see where WoaR has done any such thing...

Mike said...

WOAR 'Most people would not have immediately associated that photo with a violent sexual attack against a minor. BTS' comment implied consenting adult intercourse. Interesting, your choice of reference.'

What is she suggesting? Be careful WOAR the last person to make false allegations about me is facing the choice of a secure mental institution or facing upto thier crimes.

Mike said...

Believe it or not thier are girls who are younger than 12 and activly seek out anal sex with adults. If you don't believe that then you are not fit to be a parent.

Mike said...

In fact in Victorian times boys as young as 9 openly charged for men to fuck them in the arse.

The only thing I can agree with you about is that kids having sex is bad