Wednesday, 9 September 2009

”And so, it begins…”

Jon Cruddas makes his move:
Tax rises for the well-off should form a key part of Gordon Brown's political fightback, the influential Labour backbencher Jon Cruddas said last night.
Well, there’s a rallying call to….well, to whom, exactly?

Ah, of course. The old Labour faithful and the massive dependency-culture voter block that Labour has created, invited, imported and nurtured. Who else?
On the day Chancellor Alistair Darling confirmed that the Prime Minister had accepted the need to cut public spending, Mr Cruddas called for a number of tax increases to redistribute wealth and allow Labour to regain political momentum – becoming the first senior Labour figure to do so.
A challenger, or a stalking horse?
His call for tax rises will not be welcomed by Mr Brown as he tries to redraw the battle lines with the Tories over spending. But ministers admit privately that the hole in the public finances would probably need to be filled by a combination of higher taxes and lower spending.
Hence Call-Me-Dave’s little bit of prestidigitation with the proposed ‘cuts’ in MP’s expenses…

Cruddas is pinning his hopes on a ‘Make someone else pay for it!’ approach:
Addressing the left-of-centre pressure group Compass, Mr Cruddas called for greater "tax justice", including closing tax havens and more equal distribution of income and wealth; reform of capital gains tax; index-linking benefit levels, pensions and the minimum wage to average incomes; replacing tuition fees with a "graduate solidarity tax" and a high pay commission to ensure a fair balance between high and low paid workers in the same company.
In other words, socialism.
Mr Cruddas, who enjoys strong support among the Labour grassroots, said Labour must reassert what it stands for. He insisted that an election defeat was not inevitable.
We’ll be the judge of that…
Claiming that the Tories have a "glint in the eye when they talk about cuts", he said: "For me the question is why can we not lay a glove on them; we are mute. I would suggest it is because we have lost our language, our empathy, our generosity; because we have retreated into a philosophical framework of the right. This is not an internal debate. This is about protecting the most vulnerable through proudly defending a notion of a modern social democracy."
No, that’s most certainly not why you are failing in the polls.

You are failing in the polls because we’ve all had enough of your troughing, corrupt, incompetent, authoritarian, hypocritical lying faces. We’re not too happy with the other guy, but, in the great tradition of English democracy, we’ve decided we’ll give him a go on the basis that he couldn’t possibly be any worse.

We know who the ‘most vulnerable’ really are. Us. ALL of us…

And that’s why your number’s up.


Mike said...

Vote 4 MearKatz, they rule

Mike said...

I have recently found a nice site that advocates the use of non leathal MearKatz. Put them in poloticians pants and watch them squirm, lol

Mike said...

Giraffes on the other hand, bad!!!

Mike said...

Julia, your not giraffe like are you? I mean you not a outwardly delicate stick incapable and unwilling to support yourself but if a lion came between you and your young a stiletto in the face, game over?
I appreciate that all parents rightly defend their children faced with unforeseen difficulties but without appearing sexist women have more rights than men and still get fucked. Children in this country enjoy more protection than in many other countries but still face a childhood filled with pain and suffering.
Gordon Brown is a spineless wanker of a man as is Cameroon What’s His Face. Bring back Maggie, that’s what I say, she wouldn't put up with this shite.

Sue said...

I think Cameron is going in the right direction. People are not going to be willing to pay anything extra if the "system" is still bleeding the taxpayer dry.

I don't think he's going far enough though. Let's face it, with the quangoes, this country is in such a bloody mess, it's going to take a whole team of geniuses to sort it out and quite frankly, I think there will be more important things to occupy a new PM's mind than "cutting government costs".

The labour government has so completely destroyed our way of life and economy, it's going to take years/generations to sort out and I don't even think the Conservatives are aware of the mess that we are in.

Socialism should be banned permanently. Each time we get a left wing government in power, the country goes to the dogs, literally... one day they will realise Socialism is an ideal, it does not work in the real world.

People that put their money in tax havens that are closed down will move their money. There is always somewhere you can stash it... Those that feel overtaxed in the UK (like Mr Bliar) will leave and go somewhere else.

I'm no financial expert or economist but I do have my own business and I know, that's what I would do!

The whole concept of Socialism (distribution of wealth) is unworkable. That's why, whenever it is tried, it fails miserably.

Not only has it bankrupted the country this time but it has had a distinctly sinister effect on our society. Why should a dustman be entitled to the same wages as someone in the medical profession? Why should someone get a job because they are female or a member of a minority group? Surely, the best qualified should get the position?

We now live in a society where to receive money for nothing is a right. How can that work? Why should the majority of working people pay for lazy scumbags and be happy about it?

Nobody begrudges helping people when times are hard. The British are amongst the most generous in the world but we have been stomped upon and our generosity has been taken advantage of.

No point in me going on, we all know what is happening, we know what the labour party want.

They want everyone to be equally poor and miserable, except for those in power...

James Higham said...

I was just thinking "stalking horse" and saw you'd written it.

Von Spreuth said...

Gordon Brown's political fightback,

Has any one who has ever seen Monty Pythons "The Holy Grail" ever seen the similarities between Captain Queeg.... ah, I mean Incapability Brown, and the Knight shouting "Come back and fight you cowards. It's only a flesh wound!!!", whilst he trys to balance on an armless and legless (Apt?) torso?

Perhaps he should "just say no" to those drugs his doctors are pumping him with to keep what reamains ( EVER WAS), of a "brain" together.

Von Spreuth. said...

"Mike". Why do you not go and fuck yourself sideways with a prickly pear plant?

ScotsToryB said...

'"Mike". Why do you not go and fuck yourself sideways with a prickly pear plant?'.

I second that motion.


ScotsToryB said...


two words.



Sad and funny.

I hope your head does not explode.


Mike said...

Because in this day and age I would be arrested for abuse of a prickly pear plant. The resultant fine would probably be used to pay for your interweb connection, simples.

Fuck socialists
Fuck righties
Fuck Cameroon Brown
Vote MearKatz

Mike said...

Sue, btw your right on the money. We have been too soft for our own good.

Mike said...

A Scotch egg. One of the most highly calorific natural ingredients covered in pig fat and deep fried. Enjoy

Mike said...

Hey Von, fancy another doughnut with your coffee fat boy, lol

Mac the Knife said...

"He insisted that an election defeat was not inevitable."

That's right! And I'm the Færie Prince of Narg! *skips away to dingly-dell, tra-la-la-la-la*

Stupid arsepanel...

Mike said...

Children, revenue or considered responsibilty that is the question?

Rob said...

You could raise the tax rate on "the rich" (over £150,000 a year?) to 95% and it wouldn't even amount to pissing in a pot compared to the monstrous debt this government has piled up.

Taxing the rich is just pure class envy, 100% politics. Cruddas is manouvering himself for the bloodbath to come. Sadly for him, he faces challenges in his Dagenham seat from both right and left, as the Tories and the BNP have him in his sights.

Wouldn't it be grand for him to lose to a Tory because the BNP cut his vote off at the knees?!

Rob said...

Isn't this a 'gaffe'? Why aren't the BBC and Guardian reporting it as a gaffe? Do only Tories make gaffes?

woman on a raft said...

There's a whisper out that a bid will be made on Monday 12 October to get him out, but looking at the parliamentary term dates, my guess is the Monday before, 5th October.

To do that they would have to not foul-up again like they did after the Euroelections - a night for removing party leaders if there ever was one. They have the weekend of the conference Tuesday 29 September - Thursday 1 October, but they absolutely MUST get it together that weekend. They'll be able to communicate face-to-face, where it is harder for the whips to cut them off from each other, but they've got to be sure that they will act as a concerted gang, not the horrible rabble as before.

Much depends on - you guessed - Peter Mandelson. While he stands behind Brown it's like trying to kill a zombie which just keeps re-assembling. I've no idea how that necromancer does it, but I'm quite sure that if he stopped, then Brown would crumble.

Mind you, I still wouldn't bother. I'd hunker down for up to eight more months of shovelling anything I could in to a bag before accepting that an election defeat is nature's way of telling you you are out of office.

AntiCitizenOne said...

Punishing people who work productively will just reduce the amount of productive work in the economy.

That'll help in a recession. NOT!

JuliaM said...

"Children in this country enjoy more protection than in many other countries but still face a childhood filled with pain and suffering."

That's because we have been led to have totally unreraslistic (and unworkable) ideas of what needs to be done to keep children safe.

"I think Cameron is going in the right direction...I don't think he's going far enough though."

No, he's all sizzle, totally no steak...

"Has any one who has ever seen Monty Pythons "The Holy Grail" ever seen the similarities between Captain Queeg."

Heh! Indeed. It's going to be an interesting few months...

""He insisted that an election defeat was not inevitable.""

Well, they've had so much practice at lying and self-deceit, it's really not too surprising he managed to keep a straight face, is it?

"Cruddas is manouvering himself for the bloodbath to come. Sadly for him, he faces challenges in his Dagenham seat from both right and left, as the Tories and the BNP have him in his sights."

I know Dagenham well, and the Tories don't have a prayer. A good hard protest vote will lift the BNP a little, but unless a lot of people stay home in disgust, he'll squeek in with a vastly reduced majority.

JuliaM said...

"There's a whisper out that a bid will be made on Monday 12 October to get him out, but looking at the parliamentary term dates, my guess is the Monday before, 5th October."

Now, there's a date for all our diaries!

"They have the weekend of the conference Tuesday 29 September - Thursday 1 October, but they absolutely MUST get it together that weekend."

Like you, I think it doesn't much matter unless they first take care of Mandelson. In this particular Hammer Horror, like all the others, you need to do away with Renfield before you can safely approach Dracula...

"That'll help in a recession. NOT!"

They could care less about a recession. It doesn't affect them, after all.

Rob said...

"I know Dagenham well, and the Tories don't have a prayer."

The boundaries have changed. It is on the Conservatives list, but it is a tough nut to crack.

Mike said...

Feeling a bit embarrassed by rising to the bait of others on this post, ah well ;O)

Also not taking the political element of this post seriously, however I can't take the leaders of with the Labour or Conservative parties seriously as candidates for Prime Minister.

Vote MearKatz, lol