Wednesday 2 October 2013

Because Some People Can Convince Themselves Of Anything

Contrary to stereotypes, not all those planning to go will be Muslim by faith: there is a small but expanding group of people who opt for halal much as they might choose free-range or organic meat.
Wha..? Is it me, or are they very, very different things?
Simon Teal, 32, a scientist at Pfizer who lives in Wimbledon, London, explains why. "The meat has more flavour, and cuts that you flash fry or grill, like lamb chops, are more tender than non-halal meat. Plus buying halal gives me more confidence about where the meat has come from in the same way that buying something that is organic or free-range does."
Really? I mean, really..? And you're a scientist?
Restaurant chains that are changing their menus include Pizza Express, which uses only halal chicken. One in five branches of Nando's serves halal-certified chicken, and KFC is running a halal trial in about 100 of its outlets.
They’ve trialed it to death, haven’t they? And it often hasn't worked out as they think...
The issue can be incendiary, however, on both faith and animal welfare grounds. Dr Kausar admitted he is braced for protests.
"An element of society will use this to express their anti-Islamic sentiments," he said.
Yeah. Sure. That's all it is. Of course.


  1. Fidel Cuntstruck2 October 2013 at 15:48

    I'm doing a credible imitation of a Goldfish after reading young Mr Teal's comments - sat here with my mouth opening and closing in silence.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but Halal slaughter involves slitting the throat of the animal without first stunning it - yes?

    Conventional slaughter involves stunning the animal first

    The pro-Halal will of course tell us that their method is much less stressful for the animal - I disagree, because I just cannot see how. I understand that an animal killed with less stress could be more tender - it's to do with adrenalin but I've killed and eaten enough critters over the years to be able to say with some confidence that the difference is hard to spot.

  2. Wha..? Is it me, or are they very, very different things?

    Indeed, they are VERY different things. This blithering idiot is following a train of logic that defies common-sense... or does he also believe that animals transported to slaughter in blue trucks taste better than those moved in red ones?

    If Pfizer is looking in; they might wish to pull Simon in for a little chat? And probably urgently so if he's working in the Potions Dept.

  3. Would Mr Teal say the same about kosher meat?

  4. Bunny

    Right I have never been in a Pizza Express but now I have reason not to go, Nandos I have used in the past, but no more. Hopefully KFC will stop their trial.

  5. buying halal gives me more confidence about where the meat has come from


  6. He should try a surgical operation (wont mention any in particular and two suggestions spring to mind) but without anesthetic. that should clear up the stress question.

  7. WTF is all this meat-related religious mumbo jumbo about?

  8. Are you sitting comfortably children? Then I'll begin...

    One day in the magic kingdom, a wise and respected newspaper said: "... the slaughterer must recite a special Islamic prayer as the animal is killed."

    Aaaahhhh, no ordinary prayer but a 'special' prayer no less. How quaint, how reassuring, how many of this newspaper's readers are under the age of 5 exactly?

    The reality is, for the adults and according to Wikipedia: "... the slaughter must be performed by a Muslim, who must precede the slaughter by invoking the name of Allah, most commonly by saying "Bismillah" ("In the name of Allah") and then three times "Allahu akbar" (God is the greatest).

    Still think your fried chicken tastes better? Think I'll skip it and request a non-halal version thank you.

  9. "Certified humanely slaughtered" - now that would be a voluntary sector project worth pursuing - just as Soil Association accreditation helped get the organic movement started.

    You can't rely on the government implementing a provenance scheme.

  10. "I understand that an animal killed with less stress could be more tender - it's to do with adrenalin..."

    Yes, but the prayer? What's that, seasoning?1?

    "This blithering idiot is following a train of logic that defies common-sense..."

    What's that old saying, you have to be educated to be this ignorant..? ;)

    "You can't rely on the government implementing a provenance scheme."

    Didn't really need the last four words in that sentence, did you? ;)

  11. the slaughter must be performed by a Muslim, who must precede the slaughter by invoking the name of Allah, most commonly by saying "Bismillah"...

    Would a quick burst of 'Bohemian Rhapsody' do instead?

  12. 'For what we are about to receive, may political correctness and the rights of religious nutters make us truly thankful'


  13. Would a quick burst of 'Bohemian Rhapsody' do instead?

    I'll just go do the neighbour's cat and let you know ;-)

  14. Demand pork!

    Halal THAT, you bastards!
