Thursday 6 July 2017

A Title You Really Need To Read Twice When You See The Picture...

Looks inordinately pleased with himself, doesn't he?

Zuriel Hutson, 21, was caught with a Marmoset monkey in a small cage during a raid on his Highbury home in October last year.
The primate – sometimes kept as a designer pet - was malnourished and dirty, and would have died if she had not been saved, an expert found.
In case you were thinking this might be his only crime...
Hutson is currently serving a two-and-a-half year prison sentence for a spree of mobile phone robberies last November. He and an accomplice rode on a moped around several London boroughs snatching phones from unsuspecting pedestrians. With police hot on their tales, the pair weaved in and out of traffic while driving the wrong way along the M11 at 90mph in a bid to escape.
Hutson was ultimately captured and pleaded guilty to conspiracy to steal and dangerous driving. He denied the animal cruelty charge but was found guilty by magistrates following a short trial.
The mind boggles.


  1. That would be 'tails' I expect. These moped thieves need shooting.

  2. "while driving the wrong way along the M11 at 90mph in a bid to escape"

    On a moped?

  3. I just hope the monkey had all its shots.

  4. 90 mph on a moped ?.He looks a birk.

  5. That doesn't look like a marmoset to me . . . .

  6. Suspended sentence if he reveals how he got the moped to go 90 mph.

  7. I wonder if they will keep his job for him while he is in jail?

  8. Squalid cage...but it seems happy enough. Watch out for Herpes B virus.

  9. Not just 90 mph on a moped- 90 mph two up on a moped.
    Why isn't this guy beating Rossi?
    Or alternatively perhaps we should distrust all estimates as to the speed of motorists unless solidly backed up.

  10. Moped is a generic term the media use to describe any two-wheeled get-away vehicle.Most used by the scum are either 250cc or 125cc and can get some real speed up.

  11. "On a moped?"

    Who knew they could go that quickly?

    "I just hope the monkey had all its shots."


    "Suspended sentence if he reveals how he got the moped to go 90 mph."


    "I wonder if they will keep his job for him while he is in jail?"

    Knowing our offender management services, he'll probably be placed in London Zoo for community service.

    "Moped is a generic term the media use to describe any two-wheeled get-away vehicle.Most used by the scum are either 250cc or 125cc and can get some real speed up."

    While sounding like an angry wasp in a bottle...


    I suspect it's Biblical.
