Friday 7 July 2017

Guilty Conscience, Perhaps..?

Judge Nicholas Loraine-Smith ordered psychiatric reports and referred to Beale's 'attention-seeking, which is what this case is all about'.
He told her: 'You have been convicted of all of these matters. They are very serious indeed, counts one to four most particularly.
'Somebody went to prison for a long time as a result of your perjured evidence.
'I am going to remand you in custody and I will be fully informed of your true psychiatric state when you return in August.'

I'm not sure what more you'll get, frankly. Perhaps you should have ordered such reports on the idiot cops who kept arresting men long after it was clear what was really going on.

Every paper is reporting this sad story of ....

Wait. *scans list*

Well, well, well....

*rolls eyes*

H/T: Tim Almond via Twitter


  1. Comments section lively as usual..

    2nd top at the time of posting:

    "She says that she 'had no interest in men', well no man in their right mind would have had any interest in her."

    With the following reply:

    "I am surprised any woman would be interested in her as well."

  2. Left wing politician after left wing politician kept hammering at the police with the mantra "believe the victim".

  3. Let's be honest here, any of her partners would need psychiatric evaluation.

  4. "Comments section lively as usual."

    They really are the best!

    "Left wing politician after left wing politician kept hammering at the police with the mantra "believe the victim". "

    I seem to recall a fair few Tories mouthing the same platitudes too...

    "Let's be honest here, any of her partners would need psychiatric evaluation."

    I was going to make a remark about 'needing their bumps felt' but decided against it... ;)
