Thursday 6 July 2017

"Pussy Pass? Why, I Never Leave Home Without It!"

Beverley Thomas was attempting to cross the road through a gap in the central reservation which was marked with no entry signs.
One car braked heavily to avoid the Thomas's vehicle but a Ford Focus in the outside lane smashed into her Mini Cooper.
The 56-year-old of Ladies Mile Road, Brighton, and the driver of the Focus were both injured in the accident.
Police found the DVLA had previously revoked Thomas's driving licence in 2016.
At Worthing Magistrates' Court, Thomas pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and driving while her licence was revoked.
Case closed, throw the book at h...

Oh. Silly me.
She was sentenced to eight weeks' imprisonment, suspended for two years. She was also disqualified from driving for two years and ordered to take an extended driving test before she can obtain another licence.


  1. But if she had written something snarky on Twitter or waved a rasher of bacon at a mosque....

  2. Can the injured motorist sue her ass in a civil claim? Otherwise she has hurt them with no comeback.

  3. "But if she had written something snarky on Twitter or waved a rasher of bacon at a mosque...."

    I dunno, I bet the Pussy Pass is accepted for that too. It's better than American Express!

    "Can the injured motorist sue her ass in a civil claim? "

    Maybe if we saw more cases of the insurer recouping cost this way, it'd be a start.
