Wednesday 5 July 2017

"Watch Them All The Time? That's Not Why I Wanted Kids!"

Alice Sloan, from Alfriston, was walking past Hove Town Hall with her daughter Parisa
(Ed: !!!) when the toddler ran over to a black Harley Davidson parked on the pavement.
Parisa brushed her left leg against the hot exhaust pipe and burned her calf. Ms Sloan rushed her to the Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton. She was then sent to the burns unit at Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead.
That'll teach her to keep a better eye on her child, won't it?

But wait! Clearly, this can't be her fault!
The 36-year-old said: “My daughter was admitted to the burns unit where they debrided the burn and bandaged it.
“Apparently, motorbike exhausts can reach 1,500 degrees Celsius and burns suffered from touching such exhausts can keep on developing over a few days.
“It is likely to leave a nasty scar and if third degree she will require a skin graft and many more painful appointments.
This would never have happened if the motorbike was parked legally on the road.
Or if you'd paid more attention to what your child was doing...
“The motorbike was parked outside Hove Town Hall, close to the bus stop, and fully on the pavement in Church Road.
I wish it was law that exhausts had a protective grate.”
I wish it was law that parents of small children had to use reins. To stop them running around and doing as they pleased.
She added: “It couldn’t have happened at a worse time as my daughter is desperate to use her sand pit and paddling pool in this amazing heat but she has a large bandage on.
Her baby brother is also due within a week so it has been tough for me too.
“I believe this should be a criminal offence as it endangers the public as my daughter’s injury has proven.”
All it's proven is that you're unfit to have one child, never mind two...


  1. "Apparently, motorbike exhausts can reach 1,500 degrees Celsius"

    Whaaaaaat????? Clearly Ms Sloan hasn't done any physics (or even carried out a 10 second Google search). Steel MELTS at 1510C, and some softer varieties at less. The only time anything like those sort of temperatures are reached is in an engine test cell environment, where exhausts glowing cherry red are common with engines being pushed to the limit. There isn't a snowballs chance in hell of a Harley's exhaust reaching that sort of figure in an urban riding environment.

  2. "Apparently, motorbike exhausts can reach 1,500 degrees Celsius"

    Citation needed.

  3. 1500oC? Why wasn't her daughter's hand vaporised?

  4. I wish it was law that exhausts had a protective grate.

    Oh, Fuck Off already. Teach your sprog to keep away from hot motorcycle exhausts.

  5. Possibly someone is confusing Celsius and Fahrenheit?

  6. The Blocked Dwarf5 July 2017 at 18:26

    " law that parents of small children had to use reins"

    Someone tried telling me the other day that our making Granddaughter (2 today btw) wear reins was cruel and "hindering her personal development". So I blew cigarette smoke in their face until they went away...only thing you can do with 'Stoopids' of that magnitude- BURN IT! BURN IT WITH FIRE! Gotta stop the contamination somehow.

    Day in, day out, I stand outside smoking on our busy main road and see young parents and their toddlers. Everyday, without fail, I have at least one 'heart stop' moment. More than once I have been halfway across the road before my pipe has hit the pavement -because 'Mommy' was too busy on her cell phone and pushing child number 2 in the 'buggy' ( a better made robin reliant in fetching lime green) to watch what child1 aged 2-3 was doing. How dare I shout "N O!!!" so loudly at your child as to make it go into sonic induced catatonic shock and fill it's nappy? (handy hint for the non-parents here you can stop a small child 'dead in it's tracks' if you shout 'NO' at it loud enough and with enough aggression in your voice. Ask the driver of the car that has just flattened all his tyres about the state of his own knickers.

  7. There really should be a written test as well as the practical before some people are allowed to breed. Hopefully, the child has learnt some very important lessons, like "stay with mum" and "don't touch without permission". However, my natural pessimism leads me to expect that we shall hear more from these in the future.

  8. Do motorcyle exhausts have catalytic converters fitted these days? "Cats" do run at very high temperatures, but deep within the exhaust structure, so the outside of the silencer would never normally go above a couple of hundred degrees, especially as it's designed to be cooled by the air as the bike moves.

    Parisa! Another ghastly Chav label. I wonder (a) if her dad is still around, (b) who's the dad of the new baby & (c) how much this "family" takes in benefits.

  9. Parisa- WTF. Soon to be joined by baby, Manchestera.

  10. "...Apparently, motorbike exhausts can reach 1,500 degrees Celsius..."

    As a biker for >30 years I say: Bullsh1t

    Even headers don't reach anywhere near that temp.

    Pistons & heads are aluminium - melting point ~660 degrees Celsius


    Parisa was subject to child neglect causing injury - chav mother should be gaoled.

  11. I test-rode a Harley V-rod and sure enough the exhaust burnt a hole in my trousers as I was riding it.
    Harleys are deliberately made bad so that you have to buy aftermarket bits at huge expense to bring them back to serviceability. Funny that my scooter at 1200 pounds has a heat-shield and the V-rod at ten times the price doesn't.
    Having said that the little girl has now learnt not to touch other peoples' property which she should have been reminded of by dozy mum before she got burnt.

  12. "watch them all the time"? What has happened to you lot.
    When I was young (5-10) in the '40s we only were in sight of a parent (the othere wqas ff in the military)at feeding time.
    Mark you bomb sites were very attractive.
    When our children were young they looked out for each other (and our large dogs helped too)

  13. TBD, back in the early 90s, reins were not easy to come by in the UK, though, interestingly enough, a friend was sent several sets (in tooled leather - v. smart) as gifts from her native Germany; either their use was more common there or a visit or two from little Heinrich had convinced his mother's nearest and dearest that she would be needing all the help she could get...

    Both of us had several similar encounters to yours - at least until the abduction and murder of James Bulger; then suddenly every toddler in town was hitched up to a watchful parent. The resulting popularity of child restraints lasted a few years and then, inevitably, declined again.

    Sadly it is likely to take a similar crime to alert parents once more to the benefits of reins.

    If Julia will permit, I have a not dissimilar plea for reins in the archives:

  14. Do motorcyle exhausts have catalytic converters fitted these days?


  15. As a granddad of toddlers, I'm sort of with the mother here; I believe that reins restrict the child unnecessarily and that supervision is far better. But I'm here to tell you that the little buggers can move faster than you think, and usually in a direction you don't want them to.

  16. I had my rather lively Granddaughter on reigns walking on an unfenced promenade by Lake Geneva.

    A woman said something to me in very rapid french, and I asked her to repeat what she said -"She is not a dog" in the most hateful tone. I felt very upset by her attitude, but would rather have a living Grandchild!! I can't run or jump!! As Libertarian said, the little buggers are quick and unpredictable.

  17. "Steel MELTS at 1510C..."

    Really? So all those conspiracy theorists are wrong..? ;)

    "Possibly someone is confusing Celsius and Fahrenheit?"

    It's the most likely explanation. But you'd think the reporter would be more intelligent, and w...

    Oh. Right.

    "Ask the driver of the car that has just flattened all his tyres about the state of his own knickers. "


    "There really should be a written test as well as the practical before some people are allowed to breed."


    "I wonder (a) if her dad is still around, (b) who's the dad of the new baby & (c) how much this "family" takes in benefits."

    I can tell you the latter. It's 'far too much'.

  18. "Parisa- WTF. Soon to be joined by baby, Manchestera."

    Don't give them ideas!

    "Parisa was subject to child neglect causing injury - chav mother should be gaoled."

    It might concentrate minds. But only if they read about it on FaceBook...

    "..."watch them all the time"? What has happened to you lot.
    When I was young (5-10) in the '40s we only were in sight of a parent (the othere wqas ff in the military)at feeding time."

    Different times.

    "...TBD, back in the early 90s, reins were not easy to come by in the UK..."

    Oddly enough, I saw an immigrant family using them just the other day. Unfortunately, they had so many kids it looked like they were practicing for the Iditarod!

    "If Julia will permit.."

    Always ;)

  19. "I can't run or jump!! As Libertarian said, the little buggers are quick and unpredictable."

