Wednesday 11 April 2018

Why Does No-One Dress for Anything Any More...

You know, like weddings, funerals, dinner, appearing before the UN as a country's ambassador....


And it turns out her rather eccentric dress style is the least of our problems: 


You know, I'm suddenly reminded of...someone else.



  1. Where do they dig them up from?

  2. Is that a feather boa around her neck or where her brains trickled out to?

  3. I'm beginning to think we might not have enough lamp posts.

  4. Surely it's the perennial problem of style over substance?
    Old Batshit Crazy had a certain style, loved by fabric producers the world over, but was sadly lacking in moral fibre and a shallow self-serving disaster.
    This latest place-woman of ours at the UN appears to be wearing a joke-shop outfit designed by a blind Downs child - perhaps she's very good at putting the UK's points over - there must be some reasonable explanation or justification for this farcical appointment.

  5. "Where do they dig them up from?"

    I don't know, but would be willing to pay for the hire of a suitably large excavator to re-bury them...

    "I'm beginning to think we might not have enough lamp posts"

    There are none strong enough to support the weight...

  6. It used to be really difficult to get into the diplomatic service and you used to have to be really clever and talented to manage it. Something has evidently changed.

  7. When one views the ridiculous circus which the UN has become, perhaps clown attire is not all that incongruous.

  8. "Where do they dig them up from?"

    Diplomats, like policeman, ain't what they were when I was a child, that's for sure.

    "I'm beginning to think we might not have enough lamp posts."

    I'm beginning to think we might not have STRONG enough lamp posts!

    "When one views the ridiculous circus which the UN has become, perhaps clown attire is not all that incongruous."

    Good point!
