Thursday 2 July 2020

Here's What's Wrong With The Metropolitan Police...

An officer has been warned after tweeting from a police account...
Uh oh! It's not known as the police Kryptonite for nothing!
...that "kicking down doors is probably one of our favourite things."
Wait, what? Did they knock down the wrong door? Fail to get a warrant?
The tweet, which was deleted a short time afterwards, came from the Homerton branch of the Metropolitan Police and showed officers using a battering ram to break down a door.
It continued: “Another warrant conducted on #Victoria ward with the assistance of @MSPHomerton @MPSKingsPark @MPSHackneyWick #knockknock #localpolicing.”
No. It was all legit, above board, and what we should be expecting police to do.

Oh, wait. That's what's wrong with it! According to the usual suspects...
Social media users were quick to condemn the tweet, with Guardian columnist Owen Jones posting: “Really great tweet to send if you want to sound like a bunch of unhinged gangsters, @MPSHomerton! (And yes, this is real)”
Another complained that the message was “sinister”, adding: “As someone who lives in Homerton it makes me feel terrified.
Why, how much cannabis do you have growing in your loft?
"We are aware of an inappropriate tweet sent from the @MPSHomerton twitter account. The officer who tweeted this has been given words of advice and the Professional Standards Unit have been made aware. The tweet has now been deleted."
FFS! Take a knee in front of a rampaging mob of thugs and they couldn't care less. Enjoy your job, the job the taxpayer wants you to do, and they are all over you like flies on shit.

But then I suppose given the performance of their leader, who's surprised?


  1. Mr Plod should never be without a couple of silicone gel pads. If kneeling on them to the angry mob doesn't work, he can always save himself by stuffing the pads down the front of his jacket and pretend to be female.

  2. I don't think there's much doubt the modern farce is lacking balls...
