Sunday 22 November 2020

Those Self-Driving Cars Again...


He shared the post alongside the hashtag, aquaplane, insinuating that the vehicle had skidded on the damp road surface.

Maybe Mercedes ought to sue..? 


  1. If it really "Aquaplaned" the road was considerably more than just "Damp". You would like to think that developers of self driving cars have included software which looks at the state of the road surface (and probably the spray being thrown up behind) in order to determine a safe speed...

  2. "It was like getting hit by a combo..."
    I once had a Subway Combo. Soft and squishy. What a wimp!

  3. He thanks the Shy Fairy of his religion for his safety. perhaps the Shy Fairy told him that it was aafe to drive like a twat in the presence of Kuffars. That particular SF has a habit of whispering bullshit (caleshit?) into the ears of believers telling them that Kuffar norms are OK for them, like child molesting, lying, thievery, enslavement and so on.

  4. I have been driving for ~23 years and have never owned a car a car that had anti-lock brakes, or that didn’t have rear wheel drive and a 300+ cubic inch v8. Despite never enjoying the absolute cutting edge of luxury marque idiot-proofing, I have never hydroplaned. It has been my observation that it takes a certain effort to fuck up in that particular manner.

    But what are the odds that a man named Amir Khan would be a shitty driver who thought the laws of, say, physics, would change just for him?

  5. Tyres nearly a foot wide with tyres that can legally be down to 1.6mm on a not particularly heavy car, what could possibly go wrong.


  6. "You would like to think that developers of self driving cars have included software which looks at the state of the road surface (and probably the spray being thrown up behind) in order to determine a safe speed..."

    That's almost certainly on someone's drawing board, if not already in testing...

    "It has been my observation that it takes a certain effort to fuck up in that particular manner."

    Spot on!

    "Tyres nearly a foot wide with tyres that can legally be down to 1.6mm on a not particularly heavy car, what could possibly go wrong."

    A poor workman always blames his tools ;)
