Friday 14 July 2023

It Should Have Been 'Restrained' With A Bullet...

Four people were injured on Saturday after being attacked by a dog in Hammersmith.
Police said efforts were ongoing to establish the dog’s breed after the attack on Field Road, Baron’s Court at 11.15am. The dog was restrained before being seized.


A 48-year-old man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of being in charge of a dangerously out of control dog.

I await the court case. Because it's not going to be a Labrador, is it? 


  1. Oh please, will some politician with balls introduce a Clarkson's Law bill?

  2. "Oh please, will some politician with balls introduce a Clarkson's Law bill?"

    The only ones we seem to have that are so equipped use the ladies loo at No 10...
