Thursday 13 July 2023

You Have A Strange Definition Of 'As Little As Possible'...

Ministers have been strongly criticised ... for rejecting calls from bereaved families, senior police officers and a coroner to put extra controls on shotguns in response to the Plymouth mass shooting.
By whom..? anti-gun campaigners...

Oh. Of course.  

The campaign group the Gun Control Network said: “The government response would be shocking if it wasn’t so predictable. They have shown once again that they will always prioritise the interests of shooters over public safety. They have sent a message of business as usual to shooters and done as little as possible to upset them.

Is that true? Reader, what do you think?

Philp announced that the government will provide £500,000 in funding to support the development and rollout of a national training package produced by the College of Policing and the National Police Chiefs’ Council.
“In due course, this training will become mandatory for police firearms licensing teams,” he said.
He also launched a consultation on a series of possible new measures, including giving police the right to undertake searches and seize shotguns without a warrant, shortening the firearms certificate renewal period from five years, and tightening the rules around referees for licence applications.

None of that is 'as little as possible', is it? 


  1. It appears that no lessons have been learned with regard to firearms/shotguns. Ban them, and every lawful owner, including farmers, will have no choice but to hand them in.
    So, who will still have guns/shotguns (stupid question I know, but some numpty in government may read this)? Burglars, ram raiders, serious criminals, and almost every Albanian, whose identity is not known, that the morons in power let into this country.
    It hasn't happened here, yet, but I read of two armed robbers in Texas, who tried to rob customers in a restaurant. Each of them were shot and killed by several customers who had permission to carry.
    I am not suggesting hand gun laws in this country be relaxed to that extent, but if criminals, aspiring rappers, or promising sportsmen, know that there may be repercussions for their actions, they may just step back a bit.I
    As an ex British Army soldier, and armed Police officer afterwards, I feel strongly that guns don't kill people. People kill people.

  2. @Penseivat: You only have to consider Switzerland where many males are Army reservists and they have a weapon of some calibre in the home, albeait locked up safely.

  3. I think I remember the knee jerk reaction that removed guns, including hand guns, from the British people was because some nut case that should have been held in a very secure ward killed some children which gave the anti-gun nuts the excuse for banning guns. The problem with that ban is only law abiding people no longer have guns while the crims still do.

    I fully agree with Penseivat that while the UK is being invaded by young military age men the British should be armed.

    An interesting observation here in France, all the problems of the last week took place in the cities not in the country side where there are large numbers of people that go hunting at the weekends and hence as Nemisis said there are lots of guns at home.

  4. seize shotguns without a warrant

    Arbitrary seizure of private property, with no judicial oversight, now? Well, thank goodness the British bobby is so utterly above temptation.

  5. "So, who will still have guns/shotguns (stupid question I know, but some numpty in government may read this)? Burglars, ram raiders, serious criminals, and almost every Albanian..."


    "You only have to consider Switzerland..."

    Which is never, ever mentioned by the gunbanners, is it? It's like they don't even know it exists...

    "An interesting observation here in France, all the problems of the last week took place in the cities not in the country side where there are large numbers of people that go hunting at the weekends ..."

    For boar. Or things that look a bit like boar if you squint!

    "Arbitrary seizure of private property, with no judicial oversight, now? Well, thank goodness the British bobby is so utterly above temptation."

