Saturday 10 February 2024

Even Fox Mulder Wouldn't Touch This One...

...and come to think of it, didn't Dana Scully have something rather pithy to say about the ability of government to maintain a coverup?
MPs are calling for a Hillbsorough-style independent panel inquiry into claims...

Wait for it... 

...of an alleged Government cover-up over the toxic death of a seven-year-old schoolboy during floods ten years ago.
Yes, it's this case. Again.
The Mail on Sunday has highlighted the decade-long crusade by Zane's parents, Kye Gbangbola, 57, and Nicole Lawler, 46, to uncover the truth about the tragedy.

Well, no, actually, what they want to uncover is someone other than themselves to be to blame. 

Gas detection kit worn by firefighters at the scene sounded the alarm for hydrogen cyanide at the property and neighbours were evacuated.
Zane's death was discussed at an urgently-convened Cobra meeting in Whitehall later the same day.
But a coroner's inquest later concluded that Zane's death was due to carbon monoxide poisoning. The coroner Richard Travers said fumes from a petrol pump hired by Zane's parents to clear water from their home was to blame.

But that would mean shadowy forces weren't to blame, and the parents can't have that, as it points the finger back at them. 

The family's home in Chertsey, Surrey - where Mr Gbangbola and Ms Lawler still reside - flooded again last month during Storm Henk.

I wonder how they cleared that floodwater?  


  1. I'm sure racism played a part, usually does.

  2. A "Hillsborough-style" inquiry? Would that be like the one that gets repeated ad nauseam until the ticket less fans trying to force their way into the Leppings Lane end are non-existant?

    Remember Heysel...

  3. Must have been giving off a hell of a lot of CO to have drifted inside the house.

    What, it's not OK to use it indoors coz I is black?

    Surely it should be Lord gangbang Ebola by now? What more evidence if waycism do you need?

  4. "I'm sure racism played a part, usually does."


    "A "Hillsborough-style" inquiry? Would that be like the one that gets repeated ad nauseam until the ticket less fans trying to force their way into the Leppings Lane end are non-existant?"

    It does rather beg the question, doesn't it?

    "Surely it should be Lord gangbang Ebola by now? What more evidence if waycism do you need?"

