Sunday 19 May 2024

Excuse Me Sir, But That's Not A Bug...

A young autistic man has been given a golden opportunity to share his passion for bugs and reptiles at the 2024 Devon County Show.
Ned’s mother, Jane Riley, explained that her son is finding it tough transitioning from education to a career: “He would love to work in an environment where he can use his passion to earn a living, but, as with many other neuro-divergent young adults, he simply doesn’t have the confidence to go to interviews, nor does he have a CV to back up his skills.”

Has he considered journalism? It seems to be a career that requires absolutely no skills or knowledge  whatsoever. 

H/T: IanJ via email


Anonymous said...

Of this young man has an interest in bugs or reptiles, perhaps politics could be his forte?

Barbarus said...

I hear autistic people often tend to be very literal and precise. Bit of a career killer in either journalism or politics, that.

JuliaM said...

" interest in bugs or reptiles, perhaps politics could be his forte?"

More there than London Zoo!

"I hear autistic people often tend to be very literal and precise. Bit of a career killer in either journalism or politics, that."

Good point!