Sunday 12 May 2024

Has The Zombie Crisis Begun Down Under?

Or are Aussie cops armed with knives as well as guns, that can be fired like guns? Well. You learn something new every day.

H/T: Dave Sparrow via email


Lord T said...

English is so complex. You could phrase that half a dozen ways and still get the message across.

Sabreman64 said...

The police seem to do a lot of this kind of thing - shooting armed people who are already dead. The following BBC headline was about an armed dead person who was shot in sarf London back in January:

"Weapons found after police in London shoot dead man who had crossbow."

JuliaM said...

"You could phrase that half a dozen ways and still get the message across."

Bring back proper editors!

"The police seem to do a lot of this kind of thing - shooting armed people who are already dead."

Standards are slipping all round.