Wednesday 15 May 2024

What About The Welfare Of The Public?

'Sadly, six dogs had to be put to sleep. The remaining 16 dogs remain in police kennels while our investigation continues.

They are now illegal animals, so all 22 should have had a one-way trip to the vet.  

Chief Inspector Emma Cheney said 'We are stronger working with our communities and urge anyone who witnesses suspicious behaviour or illegal breeding or housing of banned breeds to get in touch, online, via live chat or by calling 101.
'If you suspect someone of animal neglect or cruelty, please report to the RSPCA.'

Who won't do anything because they don't support the ban. 


The Jannie said...

"the RSPCA.'
Who won't do anything"

Unless there's a camera crew and presenter about . . .

Anonymous said...

No doubt it would benefit society if those involved in this breeding farm were also given a one way visit to a vet.I

JuliaM said...

"Unless there's a camera crew and presenter about . . ."


"No doubt it would benefit society if those involved in this breeding farm were also given a one way visit to a vet.I"

No doubt whatsoever!