Thursday 30 May 2024

Rishi May Be Wet, But Kier's Fired Up And Wants To Win

Diane Abbott said she wants to remain as an MP for as long as possible, as she accused Labour of wanting to "exclude" her from Parliament. She told supporters at a rally on Wednesday she had been "banned from running" for Labour. Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said no decision had been taken to bar her.

Clearly, no decision has been taken to support her, either! Kier is not falling into that trap!  

Writing on X earlier, Ms Abbott suggested there was a wider "cull of left wingers" happening within Labour, referring to the case of another prospective candidate, Faiza Shaheen.
On Wednesday, it was confirmed that Ms Shaheen had not been endorsed by Labour to be their for Chingford and Woodford Green in north east London, after she allegedly liked a post on X that downplayed antisemitism accusations. Ms Shaheen told BBC Newsnight she had received an email that claimed she would "frustrate Labour's purpose".
"I'm just in a state of shock to be honest," she said.
Kier's cleaning house, love. But don't worry, I'm sure you'll crawl back to a post with them after he's safe in No 10 and no longer has to try to convince everyone his party isn't full of antisemites and race-baiters.


James Higham said...

There are a number of large theatre houses in London. Westminster is one.

Anonymous said...

"......she wants to remain as an NO for as long as possible ...." .
I can quite understand that. MPs salaries and expenses don't grow on trees, and the fees for those private schools, you know, the ones that Labour want to close, don't come cheap.
For a woman whose abilities should end her employment conversations with "Would you like fries with that?" and, for most of her political life, has continually played the race and gender cards, and whose whose greatest claim to fame was shagging Jeremy Corbyn during a motor bike ride around 3rd world countries (perhaps this is why she hates this country so much, while happy to parasitically suck it dry, that her aim is to turn it into one of those 3rd world countries), I don't suppose she has done too badly. Socialism is the politics of envy, and God help us if she becomes part of the next government.

JuliaM said...

"There are a number of large theatre houses in London. Westminster is one."

Spot on!

"...MPs salaries and expenses don't grow on trees, and the fees for those private schools, you know, the ones that Labour want to close, don't come cheap."

M&S Mojitos aren't THAT expensive...