Monday 13 May 2024

Let's Have More Female Judges!

To bring their 'unique perspective' to the justice system!
A drunk businesswoman who glassed a pub drinker after he wrongly guessed her age has been spared jail after a female judge said 'one person's banter may be insulting to others'.
So assault with a potentially deadly weapon can be excused? Really?
Mother-of-one Joanne Dodd, 39, flew into a rage and attacked Carl Cooper after he suggested she was 43 in the beer garden of the Unicorn pub in Manchester city centre on September 9 last year. Mr Cooper fled to the toilet in a bid to get away from the heated situation, but when he came out Dodd ran towards him and twice shoved her wine glass in his face.

Not even in the heat of the moment, then? 

At Manchester Crown Court, Dodd, who is from Swinton in Salford, faced up to three years in jail under sentencing guidelines after she admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm. However, she was spared jail and handed a suspended sentence after Judge Elizabeth Nicholls said she was a 'dedicated, hardworking woman' who posed no risk to the public.

Contrast this with her words to a male offender:  

“You are not a teenager, you are 35 and mature enough to understand that you should stop and face the consequences.”

No such consequences for the 'fairer sex', eh, Lizzie? You were pretty lenient with a schoolboy who stabbed his teacher in the face with sissors too, though. And came down pretty harshly on pedophile hunters rather than pedophile victims, it has to be said.

The judge told Dodd: 'It is obvious that you had been drinking heavily and there was undoubtedly some verbal exchange between you and the other group.
'You did not appreciate the comments made by Mr Cooper and one person's banter may be insulting to other people but that did not justify what you then went on to do.'

Why are you trying so hard to justify it for her, then? 

'Your conduct was incomprehensible.
'The only explanation that can really be put forward is that you were under the influence of drink, which does you no credit.

I though judges had to know Latin? Like, in vino veritas?  

'It was no doubt traumatic for Mr Cooper and it would have had an impact on him. Fortunately he seems to have made a good recovery. 'I have seen the photo where the scar is barely noticeable but to him it will be a constant reminder of your conduct on that night. There was a very unpleasant injury, it is a grave injury, but fortunately there is no permanent disfigurement.'

If he has a visible scar, that's permanent disfigurement, no matter the size or hidability.  

'There is no doubt that this offence is so serious that it crosses the custody threshold. The issue is whether the sentence is immediate or can be suspended.'
'Perhaps more importantly you are a mother of a young child. Although, no doubt, the child would be taken care of, an immediate term of imprisonment would have a devastating effect on your child. It would be disproportionate to the sentence that needs to be imposed.'

Ah. So women can be spared the consequences of their actions (by another woman, no less!) provided they've reproduced. That's not even a unique perspective, it seems to be shared by far too many of her male colleagues. 


Umbongo said...

Worse: this "judge" is apparently a proper one, not a "district judge" or, as they used to be called, a stipendiary (ie the lowest form of judge: effectively a paid magistrate).

Anonymous said...

What happens if the victim of a crime where the perpetrator gets off lightly them takes the law into their own hands? If say this man cut her face? Would he get off on the grounds that it is tit for tat?

Anonymous said...

I suppose the only good thing, if there is one, that has come out of this, is that any man without a death wish will go nowhere near this bitch. Hopefully, her future will be alone with her cats.
SoT, can't CPS appeal against a top lenient sentence?

JuliaM said...

"Worse: this "judge" is apparently a proper one, not a "district judge"..."

God help us.

"What happens if the victim of a crime where the perpetrator gets off lightly them takes the law into their own hands?"

We will see more and more of that in the future, I suspect.

"... is that any man without a death wish will go nowhere near this bitch."

I dunno, some men like to live dangerously.