Friday 3 May 2024

Sounds Like, For Once, It Went Right!

Neighbours said the incident appeared to have been a 'burglary that went wrong.'
A woman, who lives close the farm, said: 'The farm is in a remote location, quite deep in the valley and set back from the main road.
'I suspect it was an opportunistic burglary that has gone wrong.'
One thieving scumbag dead, another (hopefully) injured severely enough to give up a life of crime. A better result for society than the justice system provides.
Chief Superintendent Dave Kirby, of Derbyshire police, said he believed the incident was a 'targeted attack' and there was no wider risk to the public.
'Residents in the area will see an increased police presence in the area for some time as investigations continue and we will provide further updates as soon as we are able.'

Perhaps if you'd had that presence beforehand this wouldn't have happened. 


DiscoveredJoys said...

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes?

KJP said...

Been here before - Tony Martin. The Mail mentions aggravated burglary, that is the burglar had an offensive weapon. So the victim, in their own home, had a fear of violence.

KJP said...

Oh, and Henry Vincent and the whole Vincent family.

ivan said...

I assume by the fact the cops aren't telling us anything about the perps they aren't british and arrived by rubber boat not long ago.

Mudplugger said...

It appears that the farmer may have made the same mistake as Tony Martin did a couple of decades ago - he should have killed both of them and buried them immediately on the farm, telling no-one.
Leaving one of the thieving toe-rags alive creates too much risk, as the innocent Tony Martin found and ended up in jail.

microdave said...

"Been here before - Tony Martin"

And I expect TPTB will hand out the same treatment to this poor farmer. "We can't have people taking the law into their own hands" - even when the law does bugger all to help...

Anonymous said...

The suspects will be part of that poor oppressed minority that live in caravans, do not pay tax and take no responsibility for their actions.
The farmer will be hounded out by this vermin community.

John Tee said...

"aren't british and arrived by rubber boat"

A photo of one of them on the BBC news website suggests they may be more likely related to the Caravan Utilizing Nomadic Travelers community.

John Tee said...

Shame the farmer now has to be held on suspicion of murder. We'll have to hope he got them in the front otherwise he'll follow Tony Martin.

Anonymous said...

Idle bastards who wouldn't do 'there' job, left effective policing to vulnerable residents....yet eagerly turn out to arrest and charge, the victims of their own negligence.

James Higham said...

Finding it quite difficult to disagree with this:

"One thieving scumbag dead, another (hopefully) injured severely enough to give up a life of crime. A better result for society than the justice system provides."

Might I recommend a post coming up at OoL on May 11 on another aspect of the whole malaise.

JuliaM said...

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes?"

He was an 'aspiring footballer' apparently, and they aren't known for their brains.

"Been here before - Tony Martin. The Mail mentions aggravated burglary, that is the burglar had an offensive weapon. "

Let's hope the police managed to seize it so he can mount a defence on those grounds.

"I assume by the fact the cops aren't telling us anything about the perps they aren't british and arrived by rubber boat not long ago."

No, as John Tee points out, quite another (still parasitic) 'community'.

"...he should have killed both of them and buried them immediately on the farm, telling no-one."

Perhaps if he'd been a pig farmer, there'd have been another option available?

"The farmer will be hounded out by this vermin community."

His son has a crowdfunder up for his defence. The surviving scum will of course get legal aid.

"left effective policing to vulnerable residents....yet eagerly turn out to arrest and charge, the victims of their own negligence."

Always the way...

JuliaM said...

"Might I recommend a post coming up at OoL on May 11 on another aspect of the whole malaise."

Will keep an eye out for that one.