Wednesday, 5 March 2025

And What’s Wrong With That?

Labour MPs said that while they strongly supported breakfast clubs, it was clear that the emphasis on the clubs helping to end child poverty was evidence of a wider initiative to “soften us up” to be told that the two-child benefit cap would remain.
Well, yes. If government (in reality, the taxpayer) has to feed other people's children, limiting them seems sensible, surely?
They said there were now signals that ministers would reject scrapping the cap this summer despite the fact that most experts and charities say it would be by far the most effective way of reducing poverty. Introduced by the Tories in 2017, the two-child limit prevents families from claiming child tax credits or universal credit for more than two children.

Proof the Tories did get a few things right, if only by accident.  

A group of Labour MPs has been pressing for the government to meet them halfway by extending the cap from two to three children, which they claim would cost very little. But government insiders suggested that the idea had already been rejected by the government’s own child poverty taskforce which is chaired jointly by Phillipson and the work and pensions secretary Liz Kendall.

Principled of them to decide not to encourage the breeding of more voters, though maybe it's because Rachel from Complaints is too worried about the so-called Black Hole in the finances. 

Last July seven Labour MPs were suspended from the whip for voting in favour of scrapping the two-child limit which has been criticised by several senior figures in the party as punitive and indefensible. But while ministers have suggested they would like to see it lifted they have said this can only be done if the public finances allow.

And they don't.  

Do You Hate The MSM..?

Reader, I don't think it's possible to hate them enough:

This was sent out before police had confirmed a cause of death, and while they were still working on a theory of carbon monoxide poisoning, which they are now rowing back on

Remember when the MSM  tried to tell everyone that bloggers on social media were poisoning the news well by jumping to conclusions, unlike the seasoned and responsible professiona journalists in the MSM? I do. 

And then we have headlines like this, from those fearless guardians of the truth:

If you're thinking something along the lines of 'Don't fancy yours much!', Reader, you'de be right. It's not a woman. 

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Another Sacrifice To The NHS...

...and no-one will face a single day of jail time for it:
A schizophrenic man brutally killed a Travelodge receptionist after a string of errors saw him moved into a hotel without medication, a coroner has ruled. Stephen Cole, then 32, savagely attacked Spanish national Marta Elena Vento, 27, who was working at the Travelodge in Christchurch Road, in Bournemouth, with a set of hair clippers on December 9 2020. Cole attacked her during a psychotic episode and struck her with a grooming appliance in a 42 minute assault.
Cole, described as 'completely disengaged' had been released from jail despite the reservations of a prison psychiatrist. He had left prison with just a four week supply of the antipsychotic drug that kept his condition stable. He was later seen by several health care professionals and police officers before the fatal attack.
Today, Dorset coroner Rachael Griffin ruled that Ms Vento was unlawfully killed.

But not, Reader, by those medical staff and police officers who utterly failed in their job. Of course.  

He was later moved into the Travelodge on Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, with staff not told about his condition or his violent outbursts. On December 7, a police offender manager for sexual or violent offenders, visited Cole at the Travelodge and described him as 'completely disengaged' and 'almost blank'.
However, he failed to inform Travelodge staff of the danger he posed to them or guests and simply left.

I think he didn't really understand the term 'manager'. 

The coroner said there was a 'systemic failure within PPG care' which created a chain of events which led to her death.

You don't say? 

Benjamin Burrows, the lawyer representing the family, said: 'The clear conclusion is that Marta's death aged just 27 would have been avoided.
'If Practice Plus Group had provided continuity of care to Stephen Cole on his release from HMP Winchester it would have probably meant that he stayed on his medication and he would not have relapsed into psychosis.'
'The same would have happened if Dorset Police had properly assessed and managed Cole's risk.
'Either of those steps would have prevented Cole killing Marta. This is very difficult for the family to come to terms with, but finally gives them the answers they have been waiting for.

And hopefully a good reason to take Practice Plus Group to the cleaners in a civil suit. 

Without Human Agency..?

Of all the MSM, the 'Guardian' was the only one to admit to human agency behind this latest atrocity.

President of the State Criminal Police Office, Andreas Stenger, said at a press conference that the suspected driver - a 40-year-old German man - shot himself in the mouth when he was arrested, local newspaper Mannheim24 reports.

A German man? Or one of the 'new Germans' we are left to wonder. 

The man reportedly used a blank round and is currently being treated in hospital. His condition is thought to be stable. The public prosecutor told local media that there are indications that the perpetrator is mentally ill.

He has a record: 

His latest conviction was in 2018, when he had to pay a fine for a hateful comment on Facebook.



Monday, 3 March 2025

And Why Would They Do That, When DOGE Has Shown How They’ve Been Wasted?


These are all good reasons to withhold your taxes. Can the tactic work? Is it right? Morally and politically motivated tax nonpayment has an honorable, if not always successful, history. After the Roman empire’s destruction of the Jerusalem temple in 70 AD Jewish people refused to pay Rome’s “temple tax”. Rome responded by destroying more temples. Gandhi’s salt tax protest, on the other hand, was the first step toward India’s independence from the British empire. The American Revolution was a tax revolt, and that worked – although some colonists resisted taxes levied by the revolutionaries and, after independence, the states as well.

Well, indeed! It's almost as if, when you show people how to keep their own money, they want to continue to do so, isn't it? 

One of the diabolical features of what geographer Ruth Wilson Gilmore calls an “anti-state state” like our current regime is its ability to turn acts of resistance against the state against themselves. Principled prosecutors and agency heads resign rather than carry out the president’s illegal orders – leaving only Maga flunkies in their places. Civil servants quit rather than pervert the services or science they’ve devoted their careers to – leaving the work unguarded and the workforce decimated, precisely as the wrecking crew intends.

This is the modern interpretation of 'decimated', despite the actual effects being closer to the original 10% reduction. 

Thanks to intentional staff shortages at the IRS, your missing tax payment might go unnoticed, just as the Trump family’s multibillion-dollar fraud escaped the agency’s auditors for decades. But if tax evasion is a secretive act, tax resistance is civil disobedience, a public, political act. The reason to withhold your taxes is not to cheat the government of much-needed funds. It is not even to cheat the crooks now running the country, satisfying as that may be. It is to expose the criminality of what is being done – and not done – with the money the state has a legal and moral obligation to collect and then to distribute, to serve all the people.

Can anyone imagine what this idiot would have said had Republican voters decided to withold their taxes rather than see them spent on Biden's pet prtojects? Sher'd have demanded they be sent to Guanatanamo!  

Inspector Terry Murphy Is Either A Fool Or A Liar...

At a press conference on Thursday, Insp Terry Murphy, from Avon and Somerset Police, called the incident "incredibly rare" and said there would be an increased police presence in the area over the coming days.
"Our thoughts, first and foremost, are with the family of the young woman who's tragically died as a result of yesterday evening's incident.
"A full investigation is now well under way to establish the full circumstances of the events that led to her death," he said.

This latest Bristol attack comes a scant few days after his colleagues in Cheshire Police (where the dead girl hailed from, coincidentally) had to expend 19 rounds of ammo to bring down one of these mutts who'd nearly killed an 84 year old man. 

And he'd probably barely finished speaking before the press were alerted to yet another attack

So, is he a fool or a liar? Or just another arrogant senior police officer who knows he can spout utter bollocks and never be called on it? 

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Whipping Up A Furore

Jean-Paul Jeanrenaud, a former director of WWF who worked for the charity for 27 years, said: “The WWF name, certainly from my experience, had a lot of leverage. If I approached people, they wanted to hear what I had to say … WWF has an influence, and it still has an influence.
“I think the public will be even more than surprised, perhaps shocked. I know that it’s the sort of thing that I have difficulty getting my head around.

What is 'the sort of thing' he's talking about?  

The wildlife charity WWF has been working to support the trade in polar bear fur at the same time as using images of the bears to raise money, it can be revealed.

And if you're shrugging right now, welcome to the club! 

Despite their endangered status, polar bears are hunted commercially in Canada, the only country that still allows the practice after it was banned by Russia, Greenland, the US and Norway. An annual average of 300–400 skins are exported, primarily to China, where a full pelt sells for an average of $60,000 (£48,000) and is often used for luxury clothing or as a rug.

And despite all their campaigns, WWF is just fine with this. Because what they decry in public, they support in private. And for good reasons:  

A two-year investigation has found that WWF has helped facilitate the international commercial trade in polar bear furs as part of its support for the policy of sustainable utilisation. The idea is that by licensing the exploitation of a small number of animals for economic purposes – such as for fur or trophy-hunting – the status of the species overall will be improved.

WWF has also claimed a ban on the international commercial trade would damage the livelihoods of Indigenous communities

Never mind the animals, respect the savages!  

WWF has made clear statements about its position regarding trophy-hunting and the trade in elephant ivory. It has said it is “not opposed to hunting programmes that present no threat to the survival of threatened species and, where such species are involved, are part of a demonstrated conservation and management strategy that is scientifically based, properly managed, and strictly enforced, with revenues and benefits going back into conservation and local communities”.
WWF said in a 2013 statement: “If, at some stage in the future, polar bear populations become so diminished by climate change and habitat loss, and/or if international trade presents a greater threat, we would want to revisit the Cites listing issue. But we’re not at that point.

So make hay while the sun shines!