Sue Kelly, a nurse specialist at the trust's child and adolescent team at Chalkhill Hospital in Haywards Heath said: “There is certainly a greater knowledge about disorders.By which I think you mean 'Normal child fussiness is now a 'syndrome' to be accorded special status'?
See also ADHD or 'being a disobedient little shit'....
“Things that might have been dismissed as 'faddy eating' a decade ago is now being spotted as a sign of a potentially serious problem.Yup! Thought so.
“Unfortunately there are still a lot of media images which give unrealistic expectations of how people should look and do not take into account people are built in different shapes and sizes.”And the NHS constant blathering about Britain's 'obesity crisis' isn't contributing to that? With all that nonsense and hyperbole?
Really? Even when you are sending perfectly healthy schoolchildren letters that imply they are Billy Bunter-esque figures?
A spokeswoman for the eating disorders charity Beat said: “Recent studies show us there are more biological factors to eating disorders than we ever previously thought but socio-cultural factors such as the media, peer pressure, bullying and self-esteem and body image issues are now seen to affect boys, men and also younger children.”When she gave that quote, do you think pound signs rolled up into her eyes like a character in a Bugs Bunny cartoon?
It's always been ever thus Joolz. I remember my teens at school, it was always if only my nose wasn't so big/if only I had a sports car/if only I wore designer clothes...then all the girls would like me.
As I grew into adulthood, I never had a problem with the girls, my nose was still big/I didn't get that sports car/and I don't buy designer clothes, but then I'm not the immature twat I used to be either.
My experience, is looks (or wealth) are not that important (Ok within reason) but personality is more so, as I've pulled several women that were way out of my league.
Another thing I've noticed as I got older, is the the lookers in my teens invariably grew into bitchy heifers, and the unpopular (I wont say ugly) ones blossomed into nice attractive women.
So to all the young uns out there, be nice to the unpopular girls, as in 20 years time this could pay dividends.
So to all the young uns out there, be nice to the unpopular girls, as in 20 years time this could pay dividends.
Or in other words, be nice to other people on your way up ... you might need them on your way back down again;0)
Yes, eating disorders .. I'm yet to be convinced that there are that many genuine ones, Ok, we all know about Wheat allergy and Nut allergies (why do they always refer to them in the plural?) but it seems that faddiness and "disorders" are very blurred. I had (brief) periods of faddiness as a kid, usually cured by the application of the back of my Father's hand!
You mention ADHD - I'm firmly of the opinion that it is cureable by the administering of a sound thrashing
Quite a few years ago, I was conned into helping out a youth team taking a bunch of 13 and 14 year old boys on a camping and 'outdoor living' exercise. Having recently left the Army, I had a bit of experience of pitching tents, cooking over basic fires, and yomping over hills and dales. Several of the boys had been diagnosed with (the then very new) ADHD while others allegedly had various dietary preferences (we weren't allowed to take those with medically confirmed food allergies as we would be too far from medical help). The kids were so knackered at the end of each day that those with ADHD caused no problems while the food faddists ate everything we put in front of them and asked for more. None of them caused any behavioural problems and slept like angels. However, once they returned to the bosoms of their families, they started playing up or demanding 'their special foods' when they got home. It seemed like the problems weren't the kids but their parents.
I was asked again the following year but was prepared and respectfully declined!
"So to all the young uns out there, be nice to the unpopular girls, as in 20 years time this could pay dividends."
"Ok, we all know about Wheat allergy and Nut allergies (why do they always refer to them in the plural?)..."
I think it's because there are several types of nut people can be allergic to.
"I was asked again the following year but was prepared and respectfully declined!"
Wise decision!
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