Thursday 1 May 2014

"It was extremely difficult to watch..."

Was it really?

As difficult to watch, perhaps, as when your partners in crime buried alive the woman you'd just blasted with a sawn-off because she caught you robbing her house?

Doesn't sound much like a 'botched execution' to me, either. Dude's dead, ain't he?
Lockett's victim's family put out a statement- presumably written before the execution- saying they are 'thankful this day has arrived'
Heh! Don't be too sure...
Adam Leathers, co-chair of the Oklahoma Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, accused the state of having 'tortured a human being in an unconstitutional experimental act of evil,' reported CNN.
You're getting confused son. That's what the killer did.


Robert the Biker said...

I think the Romans had the best system,shove the bastards in the arena to be chopped up by gladiators or eaten by something large and unsympathetic.
Lesson learned, object lesson to the public and fun for the victims family.

Anonymous said...

What is called "a satisfactory outcome".

tomrat said...

The.constitution, for what it is now worth, protects people from cruel and unusual punishment, and subjecting someone to a slow lingering death, deserved or not, is not something I want to encourage the state to be ok with.

Given the near rank incompetence we observed daily from those in power I want them to have as little say in who lives or dies, deserved or not.

MTG said...

In truth I trust you are above such notions, Julia.

However a putrescent bait should succeed in stimulating a host of supportive comments from savages, ranting radiator plod and the educatid.

The topic begs adornment by a crowning gem from the resident XXlooserXX. I will be disappointed should the kraut fail to proffer anything short of an interesting variation on scaphism.

Robert the Biker said...

The Constitution forbids punishments which are to be cruel or unusual, not apparent sloppiness in administering a drug, causing a scrote to wibble on his way out. If no one read the article-looking at you here Melvin- this piece of shit shot a woman with a sawn off shotgun and then buried her alive. Why? because she came back unexpectedly when he was robbing her house!
No loss, I hope it hurt like hell all the way down and the fuckpig is roasting now and evermore.

Anonymous said...

All this shit can be avoided by using a couple of 9mm to the head. Over in a second, zero pain, no chance of botching, very cheap.

What's not to like?

DavefromTacoma said...

James Woods is an American film actor. He's also on the correct side of a lot of issues. He tweeted this:

"Beaten with a shotgun, shot twice, then buried alive. Her name was Stephanie Neiman. Remember HER."

Anonymous said...


What Dave said, remember the victim and not the murdering bastard. Also what's wrong with hanging, quick and all the equipment can be reused, it is environmentally friendly execution, no chemicals and recyclable.

Anonymous said...

This punishment should only be given to lawnmower thieves Melvin,the lowest of the low.

Put Rook Five said...

It was all the more painful & drawn out because the bleeding heart luvvies against the death penalty got the import of the previous drug blocked.

They caused the very thing they're crying crocodile tears over.

Other than than that, what James Woods said.

Anonymous said...

@ WC Jaded

See me when you have surmounted Leda and The Swan. I can point you to another illustrated publication which explains the total abolition of capital punishment in the UK.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember ever posting on here that I agree with the death penalty Melvin old bean.But I suppose if you tell a lie often enough in your mind it becomes a truth i.e "educatid".
When one of your family is the victim of a murder or serious crime then come and see me.You might have a different opinion then.

andy5759 said...

Horrible way to go. If that was a dog, someone would have put it out of it's misery. If we are going to execute people, let's do it as quickly, cleanly and painless as possible. Let's not cater to our darker sides if executions are to be seen as for the greater good.

JuliaM said...

"...subjecting someone to a slow lingering death, deserved or not, is not something I want to encourage the state to be ok with."

But they aren't 'OK' with it, are they? This - unlike the killer's act - wasn't deliberate, it was an error.

And an error lead by the actions of the anti-DP folks in trying to get the right drugs banned.

Schadenfreude all round!

"James Woods is an American film actor. He's also on the correct side of a lot of issues."

One of the few in Hollywood!

" If we are going to execute people, let's do it as quickly, cleanly and painless as possible. "

That's the goal.