Wednesday 17 August 2022

Those Wheels Of Justice Are Grinding Slower...

A man has been jailed for 10 months for submitting fake details to the home office to gain the right to live in the UK.

So the punishment for this keep him here another 10 months? 

On December 12 2013, Mohammed Miah, of London Street, Whitchurch, submitted fraudulent details to the home office, in the name of Shafique Miah. As he was not a British citizen, he therefore obtained leave to remain in the UK by deception, contrary to the Immigration Act 1971. Furthermore, the 67-year-old was found to be in possession of a Bangaldeshi passport on June 30 2022, also in the name of Shafique Miah, which was “improperly obtained”.

Why not kick him out now? 

H/T: Ian J via email


Anonymous said...

They don't have the same respect for their permanent names as humans do, so I'm not surprised. Mohammed means "paedophile" and Safique means, depending on pronunciation, "Stabber" or "goat botherer". Miah is a word for "arsehole".

JuliaM said...

"They don't have the same respect for their permanent names as humans do..."

Or for anything else.