Friday 13 January 2023

Why Are You Doing The Defence Solicitor's Job?

Criminal suspects will be routinely screened for gambling addiction by a number of police forces across England and Wales because of growing concerns that high-stakes betting is fuelling crime in a similar way to drugs and alcohol.
What?! Why?
Joy Allen, the police and crime commissioner for Durham and joint lead for addictions and substance misuse at the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, said the association would like to see screening carried out by all police forces.
“This is a real opportunity for a better understanding of the causes of crime and early treatment,” she said. “We need to raise awareness that this is a disorder like alcohol and drugs and it should be looked at in the same way.”

Why should the police waste time on considering stuff like this? Their sole function should be the prevention and detection of crime. 

And is this what people expected from Crime Commissioners? 


Bucko said...

Is this because the nanny state usuals are currently pushing for more gambling restrictions? I wouldn't be surprised if gambling has little or nothing to do with crime, but some single issue group had done a 'study', and now the police have an additional burdon to contend with, while the Government is lobbied for more bans and stuff

JuliaM said...

"Is this because the nanny state usuals are currently pushing for more gambling restrictions?"

Almost certainly!