Wednesday 19 June 2024

Well, She'd Made A Deliberate Decision To Ignore The Rules Of Society, So...

Sentencing Wade, whose criminal record includes 137 previous offences, Recorder Taryn Turner said her riding had led to “tragic” consequences for the victim. She said: “You shouldn’t have been on the pavement and your bike should have been mechanically sound, but it wasn’t."
“I’m quite satisfied you made a deliberate decision to ignore the rules of the road and had a total disregard for the risk that your riding of this bike presented, which was obviously highly dangerous," the recorder added.

Not some Lycra-clad lout on an expensive mountain bike this time, just the usual underclass with a record as long as her arm who has never been deterred by any of her numerous other convictions... 

Prosecutor Laura McBride said Wade had been “highly impaired by alcohol” at the time of the crash. She was also said to be steering with only one hand as she was carrying a bag of dog food with her other hand. A police officer who inspected her bike after the crash confirmed it had no working brakes.

And won't be deterred by this one, either.  

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