Sunday 28 July 2024

I Beg Your Pardon?



DiscoveredJoys said...

As I said to Mrs DiscoveredJoys... if the BBC were truly repentant they would have cancelled the show. Carrying on with the show with 'lessons learned' is a a non-apology apology.

Anonymous said...

Male ballroom dancers are nasty to women? I'm surprised that they even have anything to do with them, for reasons unsaid.

Anonymous said...

Male ballroom dancers are nasty to women? I'm surprised that they even have anything to do with them, for reasons unsaid.

JuliaM said...

"... if the BBC were truly repentant they would have cancelled the show."

They pulled that 'Children In Need' video when they found it featured the child killer pretty quick!

"Male ballroom dancers are nasty to women? I'm surprised that they even have anything to do with them, for reasons unsaid."

Well, quite!