Wednesday, 5 March 2025

And What’s Wrong With That?

Labour MPs said that while they strongly supported breakfast clubs, it was clear that the emphasis on the clubs helping to end child poverty was evidence of a wider initiative to “soften us up” to be told that the two-child benefit cap would remain.
Well, yes. If government (in reality, the taxpayer) has to feed other people's children, limiting them seems sensible, surely?
They said there were now signals that ministers would reject scrapping the cap this summer despite the fact that most experts and charities say it would be by far the most effective way of reducing poverty. Introduced by the Tories in 2017, the two-child limit prevents families from claiming child tax credits or universal credit for more than two children.

Proof the Tories did get a few things right, if only by accident.  

A group of Labour MPs has been pressing for the government to meet them halfway by extending the cap from two to three children, which they claim would cost very little. But government insiders suggested that the idea had already been rejected by the government’s own child poverty taskforce which is chaired jointly by Phillipson and the work and pensions secretary Liz Kendall.

Principled of them to decide not to encourage the breeding of more voters, though maybe it's because Rachel from Complaints is too worried about the so-called Black Hole in the finances. 

Last July seven Labour MPs were suspended from the whip for voting in favour of scrapping the two-child limit which has been criticised by several senior figures in the party as punitive and indefensible. But while ministers have suggested they would like to see it lifted they have said this can only be done if the public finances allow.

And they don't.  

Do You Hate The MSM..?

Reader, I don't think it's possible to hate them enough:

This was sent out before police had confirmed a cause of death, and while they were still working on a theory of carbon monoxide poisoning, which they are now rowing back on

Remember when the MSM  tried to tell everyone that bloggers on social media were poisoning the news well by jumping to conclusions, unlike the seasoned and responsible professiona journalists in the MSM? I do. 

And then we have headlines like this, from those fearless guardians of the truth:

If you're thinking something along the lines of 'Don't fancy yours much!', Reader, you'de be right. It's not a woman. 

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Another Sacrifice To The NHS...

...and no-one will face a single day of jail time for it:
A schizophrenic man brutally killed a Travelodge receptionist after a string of errors saw him moved into a hotel without medication, a coroner has ruled. Stephen Cole, then 32, savagely attacked Spanish national Marta Elena Vento, 27, who was working at the Travelodge in Christchurch Road, in Bournemouth, with a set of hair clippers on December 9 2020. Cole attacked her during a psychotic episode and struck her with a grooming appliance in a 42 minute assault.
Cole, described as 'completely disengaged' had been released from jail despite the reservations of a prison psychiatrist. He had left prison with just a four week supply of the antipsychotic drug that kept his condition stable. He was later seen by several health care professionals and police officers before the fatal attack.
Today, Dorset coroner Rachael Griffin ruled that Ms Vento was unlawfully killed.

But not, Reader, by those medical staff and police officers who utterly failed in their job. Of course.  

He was later moved into the Travelodge on Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, with staff not told about his condition or his violent outbursts. On December 7, a police offender manager for sexual or violent offenders, visited Cole at the Travelodge and described him as 'completely disengaged' and 'almost blank'.
However, he failed to inform Travelodge staff of the danger he posed to them or guests and simply left.

I think he didn't really understand the term 'manager'. 

The coroner said there was a 'systemic failure within PPG care' which created a chain of events which led to her death.

You don't say? 

Benjamin Burrows, the lawyer representing the family, said: 'The clear conclusion is that Marta's death aged just 27 would have been avoided.
'If Practice Plus Group had provided continuity of care to Stephen Cole on his release from HMP Winchester it would have probably meant that he stayed on his medication and he would not have relapsed into psychosis.'
'The same would have happened if Dorset Police had properly assessed and managed Cole's risk.
'Either of those steps would have prevented Cole killing Marta. This is very difficult for the family to come to terms with, but finally gives them the answers they have been waiting for.

And hopefully a good reason to take Practice Plus Group to the cleaners in a civil suit. 

Without Human Agency..?

Of all the MSM, the 'Guardian' was the only one to admit to human agency behind this latest atrocity.

President of the State Criminal Police Office, Andreas Stenger, said at a press conference that the suspected driver - a 40-year-old German man - shot himself in the mouth when he was arrested, local newspaper Mannheim24 reports.

A German man? Or one of the 'new Germans' we are left to wonder. 

The man reportedly used a blank round and is currently being treated in hospital. His condition is thought to be stable. The public prosecutor told local media that there are indications that the perpetrator is mentally ill.

He has a record: 

His latest conviction was in 2018, when he had to pay a fine for a hateful comment on Facebook.



Monday, 3 March 2025

And Why Would They Do That, When DOGE Has Shown How They’ve Been Wasted?


These are all good reasons to withhold your taxes. Can the tactic work? Is it right? Morally and politically motivated tax nonpayment has an honorable, if not always successful, history. After the Roman empire’s destruction of the Jerusalem temple in 70 AD Jewish people refused to pay Rome’s “temple tax”. Rome responded by destroying more temples. Gandhi’s salt tax protest, on the other hand, was the first step toward India’s independence from the British empire. The American Revolution was a tax revolt, and that worked – although some colonists resisted taxes levied by the revolutionaries and, after independence, the states as well.

Well, indeed! It's almost as if, when you show people how to keep their own money, they want to continue to do so, isn't it? 

One of the diabolical features of what geographer Ruth Wilson Gilmore calls an “anti-state state” like our current regime is its ability to turn acts of resistance against the state against themselves. Principled prosecutors and agency heads resign rather than carry out the president’s illegal orders – leaving only Maga flunkies in their places. Civil servants quit rather than pervert the services or science they’ve devoted their careers to – leaving the work unguarded and the workforce decimated, precisely as the wrecking crew intends.

This is the modern interpretation of 'decimated', despite the actual effects being closer to the original 10% reduction. 

Thanks to intentional staff shortages at the IRS, your missing tax payment might go unnoticed, just as the Trump family’s multibillion-dollar fraud escaped the agency’s auditors for decades. But if tax evasion is a secretive act, tax resistance is civil disobedience, a public, political act. The reason to withhold your taxes is not to cheat the government of much-needed funds. It is not even to cheat the crooks now running the country, satisfying as that may be. It is to expose the criminality of what is being done – and not done – with the money the state has a legal and moral obligation to collect and then to distribute, to serve all the people.

Can anyone imagine what this idiot would have said had Republican voters decided to withold their taxes rather than see them spent on Biden's pet prtojects? Sher'd have demanded they be sent to Guanatanamo!  

Inspector Terry Murphy Is Either A Fool Or A Liar...

At a press conference on Thursday, Insp Terry Murphy, from Avon and Somerset Police, called the incident "incredibly rare" and said there would be an increased police presence in the area over the coming days.
"Our thoughts, first and foremost, are with the family of the young woman who's tragically died as a result of yesterday evening's incident.
"A full investigation is now well under way to establish the full circumstances of the events that led to her death," he said.

This latest Bristol attack comes a scant few days after his colleagues in Cheshire Police (where the dead girl hailed from, coincidentally) had to expend 19 rounds of ammo to bring down one of these mutts who'd nearly killed an 84 year old man. 

And he'd probably barely finished speaking before the press were alerted to yet another attack

So, is he a fool or a liar? Or just another arrogant senior police officer who knows he can spout utter bollocks and never be called on it? 

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Whipping Up A Furore

Jean-Paul Jeanrenaud, a former director of WWF who worked for the charity for 27 years, said: “The WWF name, certainly from my experience, had a lot of leverage. If I approached people, they wanted to hear what I had to say … WWF has an influence, and it still has an influence.
“I think the public will be even more than surprised, perhaps shocked. I know that it’s the sort of thing that I have difficulty getting my head around.

What is 'the sort of thing' he's talking about?  

The wildlife charity WWF has been working to support the trade in polar bear fur at the same time as using images of the bears to raise money, it can be revealed.

And if you're shrugging right now, welcome to the club! 

Despite their endangered status, polar bears are hunted commercially in Canada, the only country that still allows the practice after it was banned by Russia, Greenland, the US and Norway. An annual average of 300–400 skins are exported, primarily to China, where a full pelt sells for an average of $60,000 (£48,000) and is often used for luxury clothing or as a rug.

And despite all their campaigns, WWF is just fine with this. Because what they decry in public, they support in private. And for good reasons:  

A two-year investigation has found that WWF has helped facilitate the international commercial trade in polar bear furs as part of its support for the policy of sustainable utilisation. The idea is that by licensing the exploitation of a small number of animals for economic purposes – such as for fur or trophy-hunting – the status of the species overall will be improved.

WWF has also claimed a ban on the international commercial trade would damage the livelihoods of Indigenous communities

Never mind the animals, respect the savages!  

WWF has made clear statements about its position regarding trophy-hunting and the trade in elephant ivory. It has said it is “not opposed to hunting programmes that present no threat to the survival of threatened species and, where such species are involved, are part of a demonstrated conservation and management strategy that is scientifically based, properly managed, and strictly enforced, with revenues and benefits going back into conservation and local communities”.
WWF said in a 2013 statement: “If, at some stage in the future, polar bear populations become so diminished by climate change and habitat loss, and/or if international trade presents a greater threat, we would want to revisit the Cites listing issue. But we’re not at that point.

So make hay while the sun shines!  

Premeditated Excuses

An 87-year-old great-grandmother who died after being punched to the floor by a stranger at a train station in Birmingham had been trying to break up an argument at a Pret a Manger, MailOnline can reveal.
Dorothy Chiles suffered a broken hip and other injuries in the vicious assault at Birmingham New Street and passed away six weeks later.

The incident isn't recent, either... 

The horrifying incident actually happened on November 19 last year but only came to public attention after British Transport Police revealed earlier this week that Dorothy had died as a result of what they called an 'act of senseless violence'.
It happened after a row began when two strangers bumped into each other - and one made a racist remark, with Dorothy's only involvement as a would -be peacemaker. And one eyewitness to the attack said: 'The old lady was trying to calm her down but the woman just violently punched her. She was killed for her kindness.'

The 'Mail' has tracked down an eyewitness. 

A man who watched the entire episode unfold revealed: 'The older lady had approached the much younger white woman who was shouting and screaming at staff and customers in Pret. 'The woman was clearly very agitated and getting worse.
'She was shouting things about how she was autistic and saying that people were picking on her.
'As the older lady got closer to try and console her, the younger woman without warning spun around and knocked her backwards onto the floor.
'It was kind of a punch with a closed fist and it pushed her over.
'The older woman was left sprawled on the floor and train station staff and other commuters rushed to help her before she was treated by paramedics and taken to hospital in an ambulance.'

Another eyewitness gives an identical statement: 

'Other people started having a go at her about using racist language.
'This seemed to wind her up even more.
'She was shouting loudly and saying 'Why are you having a go at me? Why are you picking on me? I have autism'.
'As she got more and more angry and upset, that's when the older lady who was standing nearby came over I think intending to console her or calm her - but instead she was attacked for her kindness.'

It seems the brandishing of a diagnosis is now used to excuse the following actions. Because it works. 

Police say a woman in her 20s was initially arrested on suspicion of GBH but later held on suspicion of manslaughter and released on conditional bail pending further inquiries.

Who'd bet against her ever seeing the inside of a court? 

Friday, 28 February 2025

Tweet Of The Month

Post Title Of The Month

 Longrider on a particularly whiffy plot for attention:

Quote Of The Month

Bucko on Labour promises on welfare spending:
"And this is why I don't believe a word that any of the buggers utter. Fourteen years ago we had a new Conservative coalition telling us that hard choices needed to be made, but we never saw any meaningful austerity then, or in fourteen years of a 'Conservative' Government having the ability to do so
And now Labour are saying the same tired old shit. Nothing changed before, and nothing will change now, but some in the Labour party are loosing their shit anyway, just at the thought of something sensible being done to tackle welfare spending"

Post Of The Month

Fahrenheit211 on the effect of years of meddling in UK policing, and what we have now ended up with....

What More Do We Need To See A Cull Is Necessary?

I leave it to you, Reader, to decide if I mean just the mutts, or the owners too!

Here we go again, barely a handful of days since the last attack...

A 19-year-old woman was savaged to death by an XL Bully while staying at her cousin's flat in Bristol.
Emergency services were called to the first floor flat where the dog pounced on the young woman killing her within seconds. Her cousin, named locally as Kelcie Jones, was seen covered in blood outside the flat.By that time police had stunned the XL Bully and taken it to a vet where it was put down.

I guess they decided not to waste the 19 bullets it might have taken to bring the thing down... 

Neighbours said they saw Ms Jones dressed in pyjamas and a white dressing gown screaming: 'They killed my dog, they killed my dog.'

The dog that had mauled her cousin to death. Do we need any more reminders of the mindset of the people that desire to own this misbegotten breed? 

Hotel worker Nicola Harrison, 58, who lives in the street, said: 'The woman was covered in blood, it was all down her legs. She was going on about her dog.
'I didn't realise someone had been killed. There was constant screaming until 10.30. It was terrible. 'It's a scream I will not forget - she was sat on my steps screaming. One of the neighbours took her in. I can still hear her screams.
'I just thought a dog had been attacked. I was wondering why there were all these police here. Then I found out a girl had died.'
Ms Jones and her partner moved into the top floor flat in Cobhorn Drive, Hartcliffe, only three weeks ago. She told neighbours she 'had papers' for the large grey adult XL Bully which was not seen muzzled.

Perhaps this thick chav couldn't read those papers - if in fact they existed - to understand the requirements of keeping one of these things? Not that some of her neighbours seem much brighter:

'I feel for Kelcie so much, it wasn't her fault and also it was her pet. I just feel it was one of those freak accidents. 'She would bring it out every day and take it into the garden. It would go to the toilet and then she'd take it back in. 'I'm still trying to process what's happened. I'm shocked, I can't believe what's happened. I've been up all night.'

Why is anyone professing shock when these things do as years of breeding an genetics have equipped them to do? 

Police were at the property all night and at one point a man and his dog turned up to accuse them of animal cruelty shouting 'it's a disgrace'. He was warned he would be arrested if he continued his protest.

Another one more concerned about the killer mutt than the human life it's taken. If only Sunak had grown a pair and ordered a full ban, not a weak licensing scheme these people ignore like they ignore all the other things that make living in a society with other people safe. 

H/T: Sam Browfan via Twitter.

Thursday, 27 February 2025

"How Dare You Do For Free What I Can Charge Money For!"

Online content creators should be "more honest" in the reviews of food that they are posting online, according to the Guild of Food Writers (GFW). Reviews of restaurants or other food outlets have become increasingly popular on video-sharing platforms such as Instagram and TikTok.

So? If I shrugged any harder I might damage my shoulders.  

But Chetna Makan, who is vice president of the GFW, said that much of this content is "over the top", and lacks the knowledge and insight provided by traditional food critics. Cara Jackson, who is a content creator based in Northern Ireland, said while some creators are just "doing it for views", she has "always tried to be as honest as [she] can".

So, what on earth is this guild? Well, Reader, it's exactly what it seems like - a protection racket: 

The Guild of Food Writers is the professional association of food writers and broadcasters in the UK; its members include authors, broadcasters, columnists, content creators, and journalists.

And they don't want anyone to think that the people doing it for free (or for attention) are a patch on the quality of their 'services'.... 

She said that while someone writing for a newspaper will have the confidence that platform brings, an independent creator might think if they talk badly about a restaurant's food, then they're "not going to get invited the next time". She added that this fear is not unfounded, with many companies choosing to work with creators making the most "over the top and animated" content, rather than "people with real knowledge and real graft and real insight into cuisines". Ms Makan said that these "over the top" creators are also more likely to get brand deals, where companies pay an influencer to talk about their product.

And they'd much rather people pay them, rather than these upstarts. It's simple protectionism. 

Why Are Rural Police Forces So Utterly Useless?

A dog owner has thanked members of the public who came to his aid after a large staffy-type dog dragged it's owner across the pavement in Plymouth to attack his terrified cavapoo dog. Dan Eager said he was out with his mum in the city centre on Sunday [February 15] at around noon and had just left the Coffee#1 on Cornwall Street along with their seven year old cavapoo called Abby, with the intention of turning right and heading up towards Drake Circus mall.He said: "I had clocked the dog a few seconds before so I made sure to move my dog to my right side away from the incoming dog, and all of a sudden this dog - which was on a lead - just jumped at her and grabbed her at the neck. The woman walking it was clearly too weak to hold it back, it just dragged her over. She made no effort to even try and help get the dog off. Apparently we later found out it wasn’t even her dog but her partner's dog.

God, it's such a familiar story. All the hallmarks - innocent victim, unstoppable killing machine, useless owner in no sort of countrol. All that's missing is police incompetence (thankfully not on display in the Warrington case). 

"Someone called the police and we had a word with one of the officers who took our details and the lady with the other dog’s details. My mum said she was told by an officer that they were waiting for a police van to take the woman and dog away from the area."
Dan and his mother eventually headed off up towards the mall, cutting through to Old Town Street with the aim of heading in the White Stuff store. However, within minutes of being there he said he looked up to see the same woman walking her dog past the window.

And there it is, right on cue! 

"Police have our details and the woman's but we have not been given a crime number and have not been contacted yet. After talking with my mum we want the dog which attacked Abby put down and that the owner is banned from ever owning dogs again."

At last, someone who isn't afraid to say what they really feel, rather than making excuses for the offending dog and/or owner! 

A spokesperson for Devon and Cornwall Police said: "Police were called at 12pm on Sunday 16 February following reports of a dog attacking another dog in Cornwall Street, Plymouth.
"The person in charge of one of the dogs was given strong words of advice, with a potential for a further visit from a dog handler in due course."

Wow, I bet they are shaking in their boots. Why so lax, when the DDA was beefed up for this very circumstance? 

Oh, right. It's because the rural police farces are even more lazy and incompetent than the city ones. 

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

If You Believe ‘The Outdoors Should Be Accessible To Everyone’, Then This Is The Result

When Neil Barrow first volunteered with mountain rescue 40 years ago, for weeks on end the Lake District fells would be capped with snow. Winters with the Patterdale mountain rescue team, of which he is now deputy leader, would involve big and complicated rescues, during which he would bring down the experienced hikers who had become injured or ill tackling the national park’s famous peaks in snow and ice. But thanks to climate change, the Lake District is no longer a winter destination for experienced mountaineers, and instead their rescues often involve ill-prepared novices who are chasing the sunsets and vistas that they have seen on Instagram and TikTok.

Ah, the new generation!  

David Gracie, a volunteer of nine years and one of the team’s other deputies, said many of the callouts involved groups of younger people who, pre-pandemic, may not have thought to visit the Lakes.

I don't thing the last four words were all that necessary, David. 

“I guess people can see on the phones and through social media, there’s more stuff going on, and I think they’re keener to get out and go and see and explore, which is great,” he said. However, issues arise when walkers are underprepared or overestimate their ability to tackle some of the more challenging hikes. Often inexperienced hikers will set off too late. One group took the train all the way from Brighton before setting out on a climb the same day, and ended up calling for help in the early hours of the next morning. Their most recent rescue, Farley said, involved two girls who had been using a navigation app on their phone, and called for help from Striding Edge. “We went up and they said they’d seen something on TikTok, and they wanted to go up to the top of Helvellyn, and they didn’t quite make it to the top,” he said. “They got a bit stuck, and then got really scared, and then they called for help. I guess that’s a little bit more typical now.

Welcome to the modern world. It must be tiring enough to have to go rescue someone experienced who has been caught out by a sudden change in weather, but to have to rescue some braineless 'influencer' intent on getting more clicks must be utterly infuriating. I don't know how they do it.

Especially since they do it for nothing... 

All of this means the team’s workload has almost doubled – they previously averaged somewhere between 60 and 65 jobs a year. “It’s got more time-consuming, without a doubt,” Barrow said. The intensity is taking its toll. They are unpaid volunteers, with jobs, and many with young families as well. The fear, Farley said, was “if the numbers continue to rise, I don’t know whether it is sustainable in the long run.”

It isn't. And could there be a greater contrast between rescuers and rescued? 

At Least No-One Reported Them As Mermaids...

A coastguard rescue team from Selsey attended the water off Lifeboat Way in Selsey yesterday, February 11, accompanied by a helicopter and lifeboat in search of a person in the water. Rescue teams were stood down after no one was found. However, the Selsey coastguard team has reported that it spotted several seals in the area during the search, which could have raised the alarm.

Hard for them to dial the 999 though, their flippers aren't made for that, surely? 

A spokesman for Selsey coastguard rescue team said:“Several seals were spotted in the area while searching and we believe that this may have been what was spotted.
“However, the call was made with good intent and the first informant did the right thing by calling 999 and asking for the coastguard.
“In an emergency out at sea, on the beach or along the coast dial 999 and ask for the coastguard.”

And should probably make sure you know the difference between a human and a pinniped.... 

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Hard Times At The House Of Mouse

Things are going quite differently during President Trump’s second term at the Walt Disney Company. With the troubling effects the DEI ending executive order has had on companies at large including Target, Walmart, PBS and more, the hold out at Disney didn’t last long.

Of course not. Disney is, first and foremost, a business.  

Earlier this week it was reported that Disney has begun the process of disbanding and altering various diversity initiatives, which the company once prided itself on and that has left staffers concerned. According to Deadline, employees received a memo this week from Disney HR chief Sonia Coleman, stating the move was intended to align with “business goals and company values,” rather than any specific adherence to Trump’s sweeping range of executive orders since assuming office last month. To many it signals a bending of the knee, which has reportedly been received as unexpected internally compared to how Disney stood firmly by its morals in the past.

Hmmm, it was a paradise on earth before? Doesn't appear so.

“What’s next? Where do we go from here? What do we stand for now, keeping MAGA happy?” an insider told Deadline about the general morale at Disney in the wake of the purported memo. “This is not what I expected from Bob [Iger]— I thought he had our back.

Then you just got an introduction to reality. He has the company's back. That's his job. 

I Really Don’t See How They Could Make It Any Clearer

The UK government must act "more promptly" to help a British couple currently being held in Iran than it did to secure the release of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, her husband Richard Ratcliffe has said.

Anything for publicity, eh, Richard, even when you don't need it any longer?  

Mr Ratcliffe, whose wife was arrested in Iran in 2016 and not released until six years later, said the dangers of travelling to the country would be "a lot clearer" if Foreign Office travel advice reflected "the risks of hostage-taking" there.

So, do they say everything in Iran is hunky-dory, and it's a great place for a vacation? 

The UK Foreign Office advises against all travel to Iran, saying British and British-Iranian dual nationals are at "significant risk of arrest, questioning or detention". Having a British passport or connections to the UK "can be reason enough for the Iranian authorities to detain you", it adds.

Hmm. Seems not. What else should they say, Richard? It seems pretty clear to me.  

Monday, 24 February 2025

Another Triumphant Labour Policy Crashes Into The Runway And Explodes Into Flames...

The government’s flagship plan to set up free breakfast clubs in all primary schools is running into trouble as headteachers say that initial funding is inadequate and charities with experience of providing food in schools demand more flexibility over how they can be run.

So, a typical Labour election promise, then? 

Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson sees the provision of free breakfast clubs in all primary schools as vital to breaking what she calls the “unfair link between background and success” in education.

Because that's driven solely by breakfast, and not by any other aspect, like, say, a stable familty who value education? 

Numerous academic studies show that a good breakfast improves attendance and pupil performance.

Ah, well, correlation just must be causation, if the 'experts' say so, eh? 

But with the chancellor, Rachel Reeves, considering further spending cuts for major departments, concerns are growing among headteachers, unions and charities that the plans will not be properly funded and will lack the flexibility required to be successful.

I know, I know, I'm shocked too!  

This weekend, the independent publication Schools Week highlighted how some headteachers in primaries, while enthusiastic about the overall aims, were refusing to take part in an “early adopter” pilot scheme for 750 volunteer schools because only 60p was being provided by the government per pupil.

What can you provide for that? Well, porridge, maybe? 

Lindsey MacDonald, CEO of the charity Magic Breakfast, which has more than 20 years of experience in the field and provides breakfasts to more than 300,000 children and young people every day, said ministers must allow schools to offer a variety of ways to feed pupils, rather than just in formal “breakfast clubs” set up in one hall or building, before the normal school day. This is by far the most expensive model as it requires extra staff to be employed out of normal hours, and does not maximise the chances of all pupils being fed. While MacDonald is strongly in favour of the government’s aim, she insisted that ministers must allow schools the option to provide food in a wider variety of “grab and go” settings, such as when they arrive at school, in classrooms and even during lessons and break times.

Ah, but when a policy is driven by civil servants, what becomes important is what can be measured. Not what's actually working.  

Anna McShane, director of the independent thinktank The New Britain Project, which has been looking at the practical implementation of Labour’s pledge, said its research had also found that more clarity was needed. “Now, more schools are rightly pushing back. Without clarity, this risks being another initiative that prioritises political headlines over practical solutions.

Like all of Labour's policies so far... 

Is Anyone Surprised?

A United Nations judge tricked an African woman into coming to Britain to work as her unpaid slave while she studied a law PhD at Oxford University, a court heard.Ugandan High Court judge Lydia Mugambe conspired with deputy High Commissioner John Leonard Mugerwa to bring the woman to the UK to look after her children for free, prosecutors said. She then withheld her passport and if the woman ever needed her identity documents she would have to ‘beg for them,’ Caroline Haughey KC said.

Because, you really shouldn't be. 

And none of the Africans wailing about reparations for the evils of slavery ever seem to consider it's still going on, do they? 

When police first arrested Mugambe she wrongly claimed she had diplomatic immunity, Oxford Crown Court was told. The 49-year-old is also accused of trying to intimidate her victim into dropping the case by trying to arrange for the woman’s pastor to intervene.

Well, she's in trouble now, unless our lax justice system allows her to wriggle off the hook. 

Thames Valley Police received a report that a woman was being held as a slave on February 10, 2023. They received another call later that day from a member of the public who became concerned about the woman’s welfare after seeing her in a TK Maxx store in Oxford.

I'm concerned about my own welfare. And what people like this are doing to my country. 

Sunday, 23 February 2025

What Were We Ever Worried About?

Matt you, Reader?

In Which The Term 'England Cricketer' Is Rather Misused...

A former England cricketer has been appointed head of cricket at a school near Hook.


Greg Kennis, who also played for Surrey and Somerset, is the new head of cricket at Lord Wandsworth College (LWC). Mr Kennis has spent the last 18 years coaching at Somerset County Cricket Club, leading the talent pathway and high-performance programmes before becoming assistant and second XI coach.

That's nice. But he never played for England. Which makes him an English cricketer, but not an England one.  

Sadly, modern jouralists can't be expected to know the difference.

H/T: Ian J via email

Sunday Funnies...

Are people buying them to wait until cloning gets more advanced?

Saturday, 22 February 2025

More Worthless Tick-Boxing Drain On Retailers Time

Retailers will be required to report suspicious or bulk purchases of knives, and those caught selling blades to under-18s will face tougher sentences under a new raft of measures to clamp down on young people’s access to weapons labelled Ronan’s law.


Named after Ronan Kanda, the 16-year-old killed in Wolverhampton in 2022 by a teenager carrying a 22in ninja blade he had ordered online, the new laws are part of a raft of anti-knife crime plans announced by the government on Wednesday.

So, not a teenager carrying more than one knife? So why the bulk purchase thing?

A government-commissioned review has found that age verification for buying knives online is “a huge vulnerability”, and that 15 illegal dealers had sold more than 2,000 knives in an 18-month period.
Metropolitan police commander Stephen Clayman, the national lead for knife crime who led the review, said: “I could go to a legitimate dealer and buy 300 knives, and the dealer has no obligation to tell police that someone’s just bought that, or the fact I bought five knives each week for the last 10 weeks.

Well, no, of course not, you idiot! Because what's more likely, that they bought them to sell off individually to Shaniqua and DeWayne to settle beef in the ends, or that they are supplying chef's shools and catering colleges? It seems we hadn't quite scraped the bottom of the 'knife crime idiocy' barrel after all....

“We need to plug that and understand who is buying these knives. Because they are then selling indiscriminately to children and young men, predominantly men, because there are no age verification safeguards.”

How many of them? And how many are not? So you're going to start investigating legitimate business to catch the one, maybe two, people misselling? That doesn't sound likr a good use of time to me. As a wise woman once pointed out:


The home secretary, Yvette Cooper, said: “It is horrifying how easy it is for young people to get hold of knives online even though children’s lives are being lost, and families and communities are left devastated as a result.”

And how horrifying is it that they don't have to, because there's multiples in every kitchen in the country. Gosh. Maybe it's not the method, maybe it's the person, Yvette? 

Ronan’s mother, Pooja Kanda, said her son “didn’t stand a chance” against the weapons. “How was this allowed? A 16-year-old managed to get these weapons online and sold them to other people,” she said.
“We welcome the government’s plans to tackle the online sale of these weapons, and the proposal of a registration scheme, which will continue to implement stricter measures on the online sale of bladed articles. We have so much work to tackle knife crime; this is a much-needed beginning.”

Because we all know they aren't going to stop at this idiocy...despite being very well aware of where it's going to lead: 

The prison sentence for people caught selling weapons to under-18s will be increased from six months to up to two years, and both the individual who has processed the sale and the chief executive of a company face being charged. The measure will be implemented even after an official review found that longer incarceration had driven the country’s justice system to breaking point, and that successive governments had prioritised longer prison sentences over cutting reoffending.

We really are governed by morons, aren't we? 

"It was thought Bruno was a staffy breed..."

More details on this incident have been revealed:
The 25-year-old explained her two eldest children were fast asleep on the sofa while her youngest joined her in the kitchen, but as the little boy did so Bruno began to growl. The mother said the pet, who had been rescued eight weeks prior, was 'protective' over her, but she quickly told him off and ordered him away to her father-in-law. Within seconds of being told off by Gary, 43, the dog 'nipped' him and proceeded to launch a vicious attack on him as well as 44-year-old grandmother, Joanne.

Family with young childtren take in dog with unknown history as a 'rescue', What could possibly go wrong? 

'(Joanne) is in a bad way in hospital. She needs surgery again today. Thankfully, my kids are fine, they have just been shaken up by it,' Emma added. 'My youngest thought his nan was dead. It was scary, it was upsetting as well because we did love the dog. We were told he was nice around kids.'

Who told you that, and why did you believe them? Was it a private citizen or a registered dog charity? Either way, maybe the police should be investigating? 

She believes the once 'lovely' dog turned after becoming jealous of her child and once he had tasted blood 'wasn't stopping until someone was dead'.

Sounds familiar. Sounds like Bruno had some bloodsport dog in him. 

He added: 'I'd like to thank the police and the ambulance for everything that they did. The dog wasn't bad we weren't bad owners just something wasn't right with the dog.
'We are waiting for an autopsy to be done on him.

No, you're waiting for a necropsy.  

We are all gutted about the way it happened he was brilliant dog, he was brilliant with the kids, he was brilliant with us.'

Until he wasn't.  

Friday, 21 February 2025

Told You...

The first attack left a teenage girl needing reconstructive surgery after she was mauled at a house in Rossington near Doncaster, South Yorkshire, on Wednesday last week. Police said they were called by Yorkshire Ambulance Service after the dog, a Cane Corso, attacked the 16-year-old.
She was rushed to hospital for surgery to her arm while the dog was destroyed at the scene by firearms officers, with the owner's permission.
It's going to be the next mutt added to the Dangerous Dogs Act, assuming Labour grow some backbone and act like the Tories (to give them credit) did with the XL Bully. 

There's a picture of the damage it did to the girl's arm in that link, but you'll need a strong stomach to click it.

Are You Genuinely Clueless, Or Just Obtuse?

C'mon lads, sometimes the answer's really just staring you in the face, isn't it?

The imam, who ran a mosque intended as a safe haven for gay and other marginalised Muslims, was in a car with another person on Saturday when a vehicle stopped in front of them and blocked their exit, police said.
“Two unknown suspects with covered faces got out of the vehicle and started firing multiple shots at the vehicle,” the Eastern Cape force said in a statement.
“Thereafter they fled the scene, and the driver noticed that Hendricks, who was seated at the back of the vehicle was shot and killed.”

Probably not a robbery attempt. 

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Either Way, You Lose

Fields popular with walkers on the southern edge of Bath could soon either be closed off to the public or have houses built across them.

There's no third option then? No Reader, because if the landowner is thwarted in the attempt to build obver yet more green and pleasant land so Starmer can invite in more Third World savages, they'll simply play dog in the manger.... 

Plans to build 290 homes on the South Stoke plateau were turned down by Bath and North East Somerset Council’s planning committee in April 2024. But developers the Hignett Family Trust appealed, with the appeal before the planning inspectorate concluding on Tuesday February 11.The decision now rests with the planning inspector as to whether to dismiss the appeal and uphold the council’s decision, or to grant the appeal and let the development go ahead. But the agent for the Hignett Family Trust has warned that all public access to the fields will be blocked if the homes are refused.

Where's the Rambler's Society and those traspassing crusty trustafarians to hold protests about this? Suddenly, nowhere. 

The fields have always been a popular place for people in South Stoke and Combe Down to go for a walk, with paths lacing across the field boundaries towards the Millennium Viewpoint. But if the homes are given the go ahead, a network of “new and enhanced” pedestrian and cycle paths would be installed across the remaining fields.

Yes, it's their land, and they can decide what to do with it, of course. But ugh, it's a reminder that the enemy is not always a council or government. 

If He’d Just Thought He Was A Woman, He’d Be Home Free

A judge has ordered that a man who plotted to kill a prosecutor while claiming to be suffering from delusions that he was “evil Jesus” be moved to a medium secure mental health unit ahead of his sentencing in May.

It's unsure whether the belief of an 'evil Jesus' was directed at the almost-victim, or if that's what he himself believes about himself.  

If the latter, he must be kicking himself to have picked a delusuion the courts and society doesn't bow down to...

Martin Ready, 42, was found guilty of attempting to conspire to murder Darren Harty by using cryptocurrency to pay for a hitman on the dark web following a trial at the High Court in Glasgow last year.Between May 2021 and September 2022, Ready paid £5,071.24 in Bitcoin and sent instructions for Mr Harty to be shot on a dark website called Online Killers Market, which turned out to be fraudulent.

That's clear premeditation, so it's surprising he attempted an insanity defence. 

Ready denied the charge and lodged a special defence of lacking criminal responsibility, but was convicted and remanded in custody at HMP Barlinnie. On Tuesday at the High Court in Kilmarnock, judge Lady Hood issued an interim compulsion order requiring Ready to be moved to the Rowanbank Clinic medium secure unit in Glasgow ahead of his sentencing.

Where, further down the line, he'll no doubt be released as 'cured' and this time, might decide to DIY.... 

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

A Likely Story

The former deputy police and crime commissioner for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland accepted responsibility for the posts - but did not agree they would make people think he was biased as a magistrate, the Telegraph reported. He said he did not refer to his judicial role in any of the posts, adding he takes his work very seriously and would never consciously let his opinions affect it.

Sure, sure, and the cheque is in the post.... 

But an investigation found that posting on a 'politically sensitive' matter meant Mr Master had not lived up to the expectations that came with his position. It also found the magistrate had never before been involved in misconduct investigations, 'accepted responsibility for his actions' and 'agreed to reflect' on them. Social media guidance for the judiciary says judicial office holders should be aware of the risk of undermining trust and confidence in the judiciary by expressing, or appearing to endorse, views which could cast doubt on their objectivity. It also says they should also not comment on matters of controversy.

So, should he no longer be a magistrate? Oh, of course not! A few words of censure will get him back on track, won't it? 

A JCIO spokesperson said of the investigation conducted by the Midlands Conduct Advisory Committee: 'Mr Justice Keehan and the Lord Chancellor agreed with the findings and issued Mr Master with formal advice. 'In making this decision, they took into consideration that Mr Master had no previous findings of misconduct against him, had accepted responsibility for his actions and agreed to reflect on the consequences of what he'd done.'

Said reflection no doubt consisting of 'Well, I got away with that!' 

This Is Why They Should Be Shot On Sight...

Despite the attack, the dogs have since been returned to Flood.

In other words, despite her loose vicious mutts attacking an 88 year old man's two dogs and killing one after getting out while the useless chav bitch of an owner was asleep - at 3:30pm. 

Following her guilty plea magistrates made a contingent destruction order, stating that if Flood fails to keep certain conditions such as having the dogs muzzled, on a lead and secured in her garden, they will be put down.

She's ALREADY failed those conditions, so why give her another chance? Yet they always do

Flood was told she must take her responsibilities for dog ownership more seriously going forward.

Like that's going to happen... 

Flood was ordered to pay the pensioner £700 for the cost of the pedigree chihuahua, £500 for his psychological damage and £300 towards the vet bill for his other chihuahua.

'Towards' the vet bill, so I doubt it even covers the full amount. God, I'm so very sick of reading these stories. What's the point of licensing wild animals if the domestic ones freely available to every Tom, Dick and Harry can do as much damage?  

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

More Judges Like This One, Please!

A barrister refused to take a roadside breath test after she was stopped on suspicion of drink-driving on the grounds she had just had cosmetic surgery on her lips.
Rachel Tansey, 44, was pulled over after reports that her silver Range Rover was 'weaving around' a bypass at 20mph. But when police asked the lawyer to provide a breath sample, she only partially put her lips around the tube then cited cosmetic treatment the day before, a court heard.
The mother-of-three – who lives in a £1.4 million mansion in Formby, Merseyside – told officers: 'Do not tell me what I can and cannot do.
'I am doing my very best. It is like asking someone to jump up after a tummy tuck. I cannot do it.'

If - after reading that high-handed attempt at evading consequences - you have an image in your head of just what she looks like, you won't be disappointed.  

After also refusing to submit to a blood test instead due to an undiagnosed phobia of needles, Tansey was charged with failing to provide breath and blood samples. At Sefton Magistrates' Court, she denied wrongdoing, insisting she had only been driving slowly as she had dropped a chicken wrap and been swilling mouthwash.

Ha ha ha ha! Well, no doubt she's seen other judges fall for such lame-ass excuses, so why not try her luck? 

However, she is now facing a possible jail sentence after a judge accused her of trying to 'manipulate the situation' to her advantage and lacking 'any kind of credibility whatsoever'.

Ah, that's why. Not all judges are morons. 

Convicting her of both charges of failing to provide samples of breath and blood, District Judge James Hatton told her: 'From the moment you got out of the car you attempted to manipulate this situation. 'You have tried to delay and delay and delay the officers. You tell the officers that you had nothing to drink. Clearly you had at least something to drink. You are a witness who lacks any kind of credibility whatsoever.'

Round of applause for his honour! 

He bailed her for sentencing, saying a community order was 'likely', but he would leave 'all options open, including custody'.

I wonder what options her firm are holding open? 

That’s A Good Result!

For a nice change....

The multi-millionaire owner of three dogs that carried out a “terrifying” attack in a Croydon park has been issued a large fine.

Not XL Bullies, a rather more exotic import, as one would expect from Croydon: 

The incident happened in Lloyd Park around 4.50pm on July 21, 2023, involving three large Turkish Kangals belonging to Anwar Ansari. A man and several chickens were set upon by the dogs, leaving them with several injuries. The Daily Mail reported that the dogs killed three chickens, injured another dog and attacked a jogger.

If I decided to keep a wolf, I'd have to obtain a licence and follow strict regulations on the care and keeping of such an animal. 

But if I opted to keep a dog specifically bred to fight off wolves, with all that implied for size, power and temperament, it's not even necessary to get a 37p licence any more. And I could take it out in public with nothing more thsan a lead, and even discard that whenever I liked.

Following a police investigation the dogs were seized under the Dangerous Dogs Act. Ansari, 67, of Hadley High Drive, was sentenced at Willesden Magistrates’ Court after pleading not guilty to six dangerous dog offences.The courts ordered Ansari to pay £13,000 in compensation to the victims and £52,410.00 for the MPS kennel and veterinary costs.
He was also been banned (sic) from keeping dogs for 10 years.

If only this was the policy everywhere else in the country. 

Monday, 17 February 2025

They Are Just Spitting In Our Bloody Faces Now, Aren't They?

An Albanian criminal is allowed the stay in Britain in part because his son has 'distaste' for foreign chicken nuggets, an immigration tribunal ruled. It would be 'unduly harsh' for the 10-year-old boy to be forced to move back with his father due to his sensory issues with different types of food. The judge allowed the father's appeal against deportation as a breach of his right to a family life as a result.
Hey, Hollywood, you like rebooting old TV shows and movies, right? How about rebooting that old 80s Michael Douglas flick, 'The Star Chamber'?

Only this time, instead of judges and prosecutors hunting down criminals who they think have got away with it, how about ordinary members of the public hunting down and executing activist judges and human rights lawyers?
The child's 'additional' needs were supported only by evidence from a trainee educational psychologist, a neighbour and a family friend. There was no formal diagnosis of special educational needs, The Telegraph reported. But he did have an educational plan to deal with his 'emotional regulation, independence; reading and writing.'

Drawn up by some council wonk, with no qualifications at all, no doubt. 

The case will be reheard by a different judge to decide whether the consequences of deportation would be unduly harsh on the 10-year-old boy. The case is ongoing.

Who'd bet on them reaching the right conclusion? Not me.  

And Yet Another One....

A man and a woman suffered serious injuries trying to protect three children from their dog.

No breed mentioned, I notice. Hmm, the Wirral, I wonder...


Officers said the man tried to get the dog out of the house when he was attacked. The children were unharmed. The breed of the dog has not yet been determined and police said its owner had agreed for it to be put down.
Ch Insp Dave Atkinson praised the officers who stopped the attack (Ed: according to Facebook, two unarmed female officers), saying they had "bravely faced the situation". When they arrived at the house the dog was still attacking the woman who was bitten in the face and suffered deep cuts to her forearms. The man suffered serious cuts to his legs and arms.

Bites. They were mauled, not 'cut'. And why are unarmed female officers sent to a report of a dangerous dog, and not an ARV?

H/T: ProtectOurPets via Twitter

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Knife Crime And Why It's Unsolveable

The 'Guardian' does one of its 'deep dives' into a social issue, in a bid to ensure the real cause isn’t mentioned. This time, it’s knife crime. 
But away from opportunistic politicking and tabloid frenzy is a side of the story we tend to see less: the voices of the hundreds of people who silently bleed from every stab wound inflicted.
Jessica Plummer, whose son was stabbed to death in 2015; Martin Griffiths, a trauma surgeon at the Royal London Hospital; Jacob*, who used to carry a knife himself; and Graeme Halleron, a Met Police officer working in violence preventionall of their lives are a reminder of the infinite and devastating diameter of a knife.
The mother:
It was a bright and chilly Tuesday afternoon in January 2015, and 17-year-old Shaquan Sammy-Plummer was in good spirits. He had come home from college, Camden’s LaSwap, and was laughing with his mum, Jessica, as he quickly got dressed to head out to work at Waitrose. Shaquan did not make it home that day.
After work, he stopped by a house party in Winchmore Hill, but was turned away at the door by Jemal Williams, who told him it was full, but demanded that Shaquan hand over the drinks and snacks he had brought. Shaquan refused, but made no fuss and walked away. He was only a few doors down when Williams grabbed a knife from the house, chased after Shaquan, and plunged it into his chest.
In the years since Shaquan’s death, Plummer has worked tirelessly to educate young people in London about the dangers of knife crime, speaking in schools on behalf of The Shaquan Sammy-Plummer Foundation, the charity she set up in her son’s name.
‘When I talk to children these days, they say, “There’s nowhere for us to go.” The youth centres have been shut down, so they find themselves outside. And that’s where the problems start.’

Ah, yes. That old chestnut. If only Jamal had had access to a youth club, he wouldn’t have been a short-tempered waste of oxygen, and would have made something of himself, like Shaquan, who, errr, didn’t appear to have had access to a youth club either. At least, it’s not mentioned. 

So, since they were both young black boys, perhaps there’s some other factor at play?

The surgeon:
‘Often it’s over nothing,’ he says, when I ask about what he and St Giles see as common causes of knife attacks. ‘Impulse control, money, prestige. The stimulus can be minimal and the action is horrendous. Occasionally, something more significant, some sort of long, deep-seated issue. But more often than not, it’s trivial — he said this, she said that. A lot of this stuff seems to be an insanely cheap tariff for a life.
‘I don’t lament my choices,’ he says. ‘I’m good at what I do. What I lament is that this is happening in a first-world country with lots of resources. That’s what makes me annoyed.’

Happening in a first world country, yes, but is it happening mainly to first world cultures

The gang member:
‘The first time I carried a knife…’ Jacob pauses for a moment, shifting in his seat. ‘I didn’t even really think about it. I’ve just taken this big kitchen knife, put it down my pants and walked out. And I’m just thinking, “I’m gonna get this guy today. Now.”’ What led to a then 21-year-old Jacob feeling the cool blade of a knife against his thigh, searching the streets of London for its intended target, is both remarkably trivial and incredibly complex. The flashpoint was a petty social media argument about a girl, between his friend and another young man.
A budding rapper, Jacob is now focusing on cultivating his music career, while working in construction on the side. ‘There’s a lot of the mandem that I know on the streets, [who] could have been footballers, doctors, so many things. They had a lot of things going for them, but due to certain circumstances, not having the money… the opportunities… a lot of them are from single-parent homes.
‘If there was more skills in school, if they taught us plumbing, electrics, how to pay your bills, rent, things like that, I feel like kids would be more reluctant to be in the streets because they’d know how to make money in a legal way.
‘Over the years, as I’ve matured, I’ve realised a lot of it is just about wanting acceptance. I think it stems from just being a young kid that wanted to actually have that love that I wasn’t getting.’

Strange that those would be things you’d need school to teach you, isn’t it? I learned them from family life. 

The policeman:
He has been a schools’ officer for the Met for 14 years, delivering workshops to children across east London. Graeme acknowledges that mistrust of the Met, an institution found in last year’s landmark Casey report to be ‘institutionally racist, sexist and homophobic’, is a huge barrier to building relationships with young people. ‘We know young people a lot of young people don’t like the police,’ Graeme tells me. ‘We have the ability to take away liberties. So I understand there’s that negativity.’ The majority of the students at St Edward’s are Black – a community seven times more likely to be stopped and searched by the Met. ‘We do experiences with young people where we switch roles, we get them to put on our kit and say “you be a police officer you do the stop and search”, and they see it from our point of view, and that opens them up to the police a little bit.’

You know, if I was continually butting heads against people who could deprive me of my liberty, I’d stop doing the things that would draw their attention, wouldn’t you?

So what has this ‘deep dive’ really shown us? Over to you, Reader. 

It’s Not Like We’d Listen To Them Any More…

Environmental organisations “are still very white, especially at the top”, the co-director of Greenpeace has said as research showed little to no improvement in the ethnic diversity of their workforces. Areeba Hamid’s comments came as the third annual racial action on the climate emergency (Race) report into diversity among environmental charities found fewer than one in 20 of those working in the sector identified as people of colour or as other racial or ethnic minority groups. The average among the UK workforce is 16%, or just more than one in eight.

Quite why they believe this is necessary I don’t know - it’s not as if I’m going to pay any more attention to their nonsense if it’s spouted by a brown face rather than a white one… 

“Environmental organisations are still very white, especially at the top,” Hamid said. “I find myself in CEO meetings where I’m the only person of colour in the room, and it just doesn’t feel right in 21st-century Britain. ”

It would have felt very right just a few decades ago, I can’t help but think. 

The lack of improvement comes despite environment institutions’ apparent efforts and willingness to engage. Researchers said 161 – the highest number yet – had provided data, including all the UK’s largest environment NGOs. Together they represented 28,600 employees, more than double the number of workers accounted for in the previous year’s report, giving researchers the best picture yet of racial diversity in the sector.
Manu Maunganidze, part of the team that published the report, said: “The more we uncover, the more we realise there’s still much work to do – but that’s not a setback, as long as we stay committed and grounded in why racial diversity matters in the first place.”


“People of colour may be minoritised in the UK but, globally, they’re on the frontlines of climate change. Those most affected by environmental disasters – floods, wildfires, rising tides – are too often those who aren’t given a seat at the table. This is why representation is so critical.”

So you need more diversity because those in the home countries are suffering? Well, why not go do it in those countries and not the UK? 

Friday, 14 February 2025

Clearly, They Did Have Something To Hide

The Department for Work and Pensions has been accused of blocking a whistleblower who repeatedly raised the alarm about carer’s allowance from giving evidence to an independent review of the scandal-hit benefit. The DWP staffer was told by a senior official it was inappropriate to share with the review their knowledge of the inner workings of a system that has become notorious for its often cruel treatment of unpaid carers.

Exactly the sort of thing a review would need to know in order to be effective, in other words. 

The review will examine how hundreds of thousands of unpaid carers ended up with huge debts and in some cases a criminal record for mostly minor and accidental breaches of carer’s allowance benefit earnings rules. Approached by the Guardian last month with evidence that officials had rejected requests from individual staff members to make submissions to the review, the DWP said there was “no blanket ban” and it wanted “everyone” to contribute.

Liars all… 

However, when the whistleblower, Enrico La Rocca, subsequently reapplied for permission he was told by the DWP’s personnel department that it would not be appropriate for him to give evidence.

And why?  

The Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) general secretary, Fran Heathcote, criticised the DWP for blocking frontline officials from testifying. She said: “It made no sense at all to stop our members at DWP giving evidence to the review. These are the very people the review should be hearing from.” She added: “They are the workers delivering the services and have the evidence the review needs to hear. Stifling their testimony looked like they had something to hide.”

They almost certainly do.  

Not As Daft As It Sounds...

The Government has announced an imminent ban on 'bird gatherings' as it tries to curb the spread of a highly contagious avian influenza.
From midday on Monday, the gatherings will be banned and this involves ducks, geese, swans, pheasants, partridge, quail, chickens, turkeys and guinea fowl, the environment ministry said in a statement.
All those laughing right now, no, the government isn't quite so dumb as to try to prevent birds of a feather from flocking together - this is human activity:
The UK Government classifies 'bird gatherings' as bird fairs, markets, shows, sales, exhibitions and some premises used for dealing or internet sales.
Vehicles used to transport a collection of live birds from multiple premises are also considered gatherings.

Are they worried about this? It seems they are, and for good reason - as Sobers points out in comments, there are drawbacks with vaccination: 

Bird-to-human transmission of avian influenza is rare and has only occurred a handful of times before in the UK.
Symptoms of the infection mirror those of regular flu and Covid. It doesn't spread easily between humans.

But I'm sure, in some area of Whitehall, to quote H G Well, 'slowly and surely, they drew their plans against us'. 

Will we meekly comply with lockdown this time? 

Thursday, 13 February 2025

You're Partly The Reason We Have Gated Communities And Video Doorbells...

The head of the UK's statistics body has blamed video doorbells and gated communities for adding to problems with jobs figures. Sir Ian Diamond said the Office for National Statistics (ONS) needs more funding to overcome the issues - which have been causing major problems for the government and Bank of England.

Of course, though it's hard to see how, since they merely forwarn us of visitors we might want to not talk to... 

Economists have been increasingly reluctant to put weight on the Labour Force Survey since the pandemic, with response rates plunging.The employment, wages and inactivity data are used by Threadneedle Street to help set interest rates, as well as by government. Last year the Resolution Foundation think-tank claimed nearly one million workers in Britain's jobs market have been 'lost', suggesting the rate of UK unemployment and inactivity could be overstated.

Now, I'm an ex-training team lead, and I know the value of feedback - I always rate attractions and establishments I’ve visited on GoogleMaps or other apps and recently, when I was up in Edinburgh for my birthday, I made one depressed-looking research chap’s morning in the St James Quarter shopping mall, when he tentatively approched (no doubt expecting to be told where to go) and asked if I’d answer a few questions. 

As I was just killing time I said I’d be happpy to, and the poor chap nearly dropped his clipboard in surprise!  

But these people? No. If they come knocking, they will get short shrift. 

Giving evidence to the Treasury Select Committee, Sir Ian said it was taking twice the level of effort to get interviews compared with pre-pandemic. He said that the ONS switched to phone interviewing during Covid, and since then it has found people have not returned to being 'happy about coming into their houses to spend 45 minutes interviewing them'.
'We're finding very, very, very high levels of flat refusal,' he said. Sir Ian said people were simply 'busy' in many places, before identifying other reasons. 'Our interviewers are finding it harder in some of the more advantaged areas where there are increasing gated communities, where you can't get in,' he said. 'Some of the flat refusals come because of Ring doorbells which enable people to say… these are things that are happening to us day by day.'

The doorbells are just an excuse - the truth is people no longer want to talk to you. Why should they? They get nothing for their time. Not even the satisfaction that they've been listened to.  

The public body also needs better data sharing between Government departments to support its work, he said, adding that fewer people now have landlines and that a directory of people's emails would help it reach more respondents.

So they want to harvest emails given to other government departments for other reasons, all so they can go straight into the 'spam email' folder? 

Can We Have Some Accuracy In Headlines?

A far more accurate headline would read 'Woman is killed after veering onto the opposite side of the road and straight into a stationary double-decker bus'
Police have appealed for witnesses and dashcam footage to work out how the collision happened.

Blimey, it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes, does it, fellers?