Sunday 10 June 2012

Fruit Ninjas! They DO Exist!

Two shopkeepers are in hospital after being attacked with a machete in a "mini-riot" which is reported to have involved up to 20 men armed with fruit and vegetables.
A witness, who saw the fight from the top deck of the number. 50 bus, said: "We saw these men running around with vegetables. It looked like a mini-riot....
The witness, who asked not to be named, said she did not immediately recognise the vegetable but after looking it up online thought it was an oyster plant.
She added: "A couple of guys also had a melon that they were throwing."
Yes, it's further details on this news story.

Further, utterly hilarious, details...


Captain Haddock said...

Shades of the Monty Python unarmed combat sketch .. ;)

Mark Wadsworth said...

Bizarre. You'd think that the men from J & J Halal Butchers would have plenty of weapons to hand with which to frighten off a man with a machete.

Mrs Erdleigh said...

5 a day, useful for health and self defence?

Anonymous said...

strange comments too - what a bonkers place the entire Croydon et environs is!

Anonymous said...

"What about pointed sticks?"

Tatty said...

What, no pizzas, sausage rolls and pasties joined in ? Where's the Diversity, I ask you...

Jiks said...

The moral of the story seems to be "never bring a knife to a fruit fight."

I'll get my coat ...

Anonymous said...

@Capt and Henry Crun

... then, I eat the banana, thus disarming him.

Are you allowed to take bananas to soccer matches, and if not, is this the reason?

Croydon is truly blessed, being so enriched not only by people celebrating the religion of peace, but by those who come from the cradle of mankind.

Furor Teutonicus said...

Was one of them a black belt carroty expert? Did any one get kicked in the plumbs?

James Higham said...

Fruit can do a lot of damage if inserted wrongly.

Robert the Biker said...

The Banana Bunch meets Tarzan of the Grapes.

bamboo investments said...

Classic. Ever seen the American movie Animal House? Sounds like a scene right out of that!

Trundlemaster said...

Bugger me every day I read on here yet another reason to thank God I no longer live in London.

JuliaM said...

"You'd think that the men from J & J Halal Butchers would have plenty of weapons to hand with which to frighten off a man with a machete."


"Did any one get kicked in the plumbs?"


"...every day I read on here yet another reason to thank God I no longer live in London."

And, sadly, there's always more...