Wednesday 6 April 2016

Well Played, CiF Commenters...

Ian Jack's curmudgeonly whinge about naming inanimate objects goes a bit wrong...

Bur the commenters are quick to put him right:

Well played, well played indeed.


AndrewWS said...

Has he never heard of the Flying Scotsman?

wiggiatlarge said...

Or as one comment said Ebola Gray..........................what will we do when the Gruniad finally goes to that great inkpot in the sky !

Anonymous said...

If he's an ignoramus, his subeditor should have spotted it.

JuliaM said...

"Has he never heard of the Flying Scotsman?"

He's writing in CiF. There's probably a lot he's ignorant of.

"...what will we do when the Gruniad finally goes to that great inkpot in the sky !"

Can't be long before it follows the 'Indy', can it?

"If he's an ignoramus, his subeditor should have spotted it."

Heh! Good one!