Wednesday 1 August 2018

And Just How Is Anyone Supposed To Recognise Him?

....when you've redacted his features?!?


jack ketch said...

Heh at least they didn't say he was wearing 'distinctive clothing' (ie only wearing the same clothes as every other teenager in the country).

MTG said...

The offence of obtaining money transfers by deception has been committed on a grand scale by a nationwide gang. These armed (and usually bloated) scruffs, will pretend to solve or prevent crimes, in order to dupe council taxpayers in a multi £Billion scam. The former are often dressed in dark, food-stained clothing and are often aided by savage dogs. Members of the public are urged not to approach these potentially dangerous mobsters and under no circumstances should motorists stop for these louts on a public highway or entrust gang members with personal information.

JuliaM said...

" least they didn't say he was wearing 'distinctive clothing' (ie only wearing the same clothes as every other teenager in the country)."

Oh, yes! See that a lot. I think they must issue all farces the same template.